Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 4
The Business of Being a Woman - Ida M. TARBELL

The Business of Being a Woman - Ida M. TARBELL
- Author: Ida M. TARBELL
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
How were women's roles changing in the 1900's? Ida Tarbell explores this in a well written, witty and insightful series of essays. "The object of this little volume is to call attention to a certain distrust, which the author feels in the modern...
Mark Twain: A Biography - Volume III - Albert Bigelow Paine

Mark Twain: A Biography - Volume III - Albert Bigelow Paine
- Author: Albert Bigelow Paine
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Humor / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
This work has been considered the "go-to" bio of Mark Twain for over a hundred years. Albert Bigelow Paine (July 10, 1861 – April 9, 1937) was an American author and biographer best known for his work with Mark Twain. These recordings of Paine's...
Supreme Cases from 1803-2018 - United States Supreme Court

Supreme Cases from 1803-2018 - United States Supreme Court
- Author: United States Supreme Court
- Genre: Law / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
These cases involved questions that came before the Supreme Court that needed answers. The questions in order of appearance in this project are as follows.Does Congress have the power to pass laws that override the Constitution? What shall we do...
Lives Of The Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences Vol 2 - Arthur L. Hayward

Lives Of The Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences Vol 2 - Arthur L. Hayward
- Author: Arthur L. Hayward
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
This is the second volume in this collection of reports and newspaper stories regarding notorious criminals and their punishment, assembled by prison inspector Arthur Hayward from original sources originally published in 1735.Please note that some...
Damn! A Book of Calumny - H. L. Mencken

Damn! A Book of Calumny - H. L. Mencken
- Author: H. L. Mencken
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Henry Louis "H. L." Mencken (1880 – 1956) was an American journalist, essayist, magazine editor, satirist, acerbic critic of American life and culture, and a student of American English. Known as the "Sage of Baltimore", he is regarded as one of the...
Tea: Its Mystery and History - Samuel Phillips DAY

Tea: Its Mystery and History - Samuel Phillips DAY
- Author: Samuel Phillips DAY
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Samuel Phillips Day traces the history of tea from Asia to England, exploring some of the romance of this treasured drink and its place in British culture. - Summary by Larry Wilson...
Shadowings - Lafcadio HEARN

Shadowings - Lafcadio HEARN
- Author: Lafcadio HEARN
- Genre: Essays & Short Works / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
This is another of the popular books that Lafcadio Hearn wrote on various Japanese subjects. The first part "Stories From Strange Books" is a collection of Japanese tales about ghosts and strange occurrences. In the second part "Japanese Studies",...
The Convivio - Dante ALIGHIERI

The Convivio - Dante ALIGHIERI
- Author: Dante ALIGHIERI
- Genre: Lyric / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Medieval
Convivio (The Banquet) is a work written by Dante Alighieri roughly between 1304 and 1307. This unfinished work of Dante consists of four trattati, or "books": a prefatory one, plus three books that each include a canzone (long lyrical poem) and a...
Christmastide - William SANDYS

Christmastide - William SANDYS
- Author: William SANDYS
- Genre: House & Home / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Christmastide: Its History, Festivities and Carols, With Their Music is a collection of essays detailing the early traditions of Christmas in England. This recording includes the prose portions of the book only (The Vignettes). The earliest...
Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development - Sir Francis GALTON

Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development - Sir Francis GALTON
- Author: Sir Francis GALTON
- Genre: Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Francis Galton, credited with the discovery of identification by fingerprinting, also took a long term interest in the study of biometrics. In this book, many different faculties, both observable and measurable are discussed in length and methods of...
The Deportation Cases of 1919-1920 - Constantine PANUNZIO

The Deportation Cases of 1919-1920 - Constantine PANUNZIO
- Author: Constantine PANUNZIO
- Genre: Political Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
"The study here presented embodies the findings of an investigation into the recent [1919-1920] deportations of persons deemed to be unlawfully in the country. . . Its purpose is to call public attention to practices that are inconsistent with the...
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book III - John Locke

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book III - John Locke
- Author: John Locke
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Writing & Linguistics / Modern
This is the third book of John Locke's Essay on Human Understanding. Book I was Neither Principles Nor Ideas Are Innate. Book II was Of Ideas and Book III is Of Words. Locke is writing about the ideas we have in our minds and the things they are to...
The Real Latin Quarter - Frank Berkeley SMITH

The Real Latin Quarter - Frank Berkeley SMITH
- Author: Frank Berkeley SMITH
- Genre: Art / Design & Architecture / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Memoirs
"Cocher, drive to the rue Falguière"--this in my best restaurant French. The man with the varnished hat shrugged his shoulders, and raised his eyebrows in doubt. He evidently had never heard of the rue Falguière. "Yes, rue Falguière, the old rue des...
Underground Man - Gabriel TARDE

Underground Man - Gabriel TARDE
- Author: Gabriel TARDE
- Genre: Science Fiction / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
This post-apocalyptic novella tells the story of the downfall of civilisation and mankind following a solar cataclysm in the late 20th century. To survive, the remnants of humanity had to build a new civilization underground in the complete absence...
Princes and Poisoners: Studies of the Court of Louis XIV - Frantz FUNCK-BRENTANO

Princes and Poisoners: Studies of the Court of Louis XIV - Frantz FUNCK-BRENTANO
- Author: Frantz FUNCK-BRENTANO
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
The court of French King Louis XIV was not a safe place to be. It was filled with plots and intrigues, leaving observers and commentators with more questions than answers among speculation and innuendo. Funck-Brentano was a scholar, librarian and...
Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
- Author: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
- Genre: Political Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
First written in Gandhi's native language Gujarati, this booklet advocates for Indian non-violent self-rule during the struggle for Indian independence against the British Empire. It is written as a dialogue between two characters. In it, the...
Recollections of Imperial Russia - Meriel BUCHANAN

Recollections of Imperial Russia - Meriel BUCHANAN
- Author: Meriel BUCHANAN
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Memoirs
In this memoir, Meriel Buchanan (9-5-1886 to 2-6-1959) links the history of Russia to powerful, lingering memories of her years living there. She was the daughter of the man who turned out to be the last British ambassador to Imperial Russia. As a...
Deportation: Its Meaning and Menace. Last Message to the People of America - Emma Goldman

Deportation: Its Meaning and Menace. Last Message to the People of America - Emma Goldman
- Author: Emma Goldman
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
A pamphlet written by Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman shortly before their deportation from the US in 1919. - Summary by Krzysztof Rowiński...
The Night Side of New York - Various

The Night Side of New York - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Essays & Short Works / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
This nonfiction collection of sketches, by "members of the New York press," takes the reader on a tour of 1866 New York City after dark, with stops along the way to vividly depict scenes ranging from the splendid to the squalid - but focusing...
The History of Prostitution - William Sanger

The History of Prostitution - William Sanger
- Author: William Sanger
- Genre: History / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Common sense asks for a full investigation of all the evils attending prostitution. In the every-day affairs of life, any man who feels the pressure of a particular evil looks at once for its cause. He may be neither a philosopher nor a logician,...