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Shadowings - Lafcadio HEARN

This is another of the popular books that Lafcadio Hearn wrote on various Japanese subjects. The first part "Stories From Strange Books" is a collection of Japanese tales about ghosts and strange occurrences. In the second part "Japanese Studies", Hearn discourses on cicadae, girl's names, and Japanese songs. The third part "Fantasies" are stories and essays on various topics written by Hearn himself. - Summary by Availle

DPLs for this project were ChuckW and Isana.
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STORIES FROM STRANGE BOOKS I The ReconciliationII A Legend of Fugen-BosatsuIII The Screen-MaidenIV The Corpse-RiderV The Sympathy of BentenVI The Gratitude of the SamébitoJAPANESE STUDIES I Sémi, Part 1I Sémi, Part 2II Japanese Female Names, Part 1II Japanese Female Names, Part 2II Japanese Female Names, Part 3III Old Japanese SongsFANTASIES I NoctilucæII A Mystery of CrowdsIII Gothic HorrorIV LevitationV Nightmare-TouchVI Readings from a Dream-bookVII In a Pair of Eyes
Shadowings - Lafcadio HEARN - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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