Francis Galton, credited with the discovery of identification by fingerprinting, also took a long term interest in the study of biometrics. In this book, many different faculties, both observable and measurable are discussed in length and methods of collecting data suggested. In addition, casual observations from personal memoirs, and drawing similar cases from other reputable sources are also compared. A wide variety of topics are mentioned, including differences in appearance within family members, to subtle habits and emotional responses comparing humans and animals are mentioned in a series of chapter length essays. - Summary by Leon Harvey
PrefaceSection 1. Introduction, Variety of Human Nature, Features, Composite Portraiture, Description of the Composites, Bodily Qualities, Energy, SensitivitySection 2. Sequence of Test Weights, Whitles for Audibility of Shrill Notes, Anthropometric Registers, Unconsciousness of Peculiarities, Statistical Methods, Character, Criminals and the InsaneSection 3. Gregarious and Slavish Instincts, Intellectual Differences, Mental Imagery, Vividness of Mental ImagerySection 4. Colour RepresentationSection 5. Number FormsSection 6. Colour Associations, VisionariesSection 7. Nature and Nurture, Associations, Psychometric Experiments, Antechamber of Consciousness, Early SentimentsSection 8. History of TwinsSection 9. Domestication of AnimalsSection 10. The Observed Order of Events, Selection and Race, Influence of Man upon Race, Population, Early and Late Marriages, Marks for Family Merit, Endowments, ConclusionSection 11. Appendix 1, Composite PortraitureSection 12. Appendix 2, The Relative Supplies from Town and Country Families to the Population of Future Generations, An Apparatus For Testing The Delicacy With Which Weights Can Be Discriminated By Handling Them, Whistles For Testing The Upper Limits Of Audible Sound In Different Individuals, Questions On Visualising And Other Allied FacultiesSection 13. Addenda: Restored Sections, Enthusiasm, Possibilities of Theocratic Intervention, Statistical Inquiries Into The Efficacy Of Prayer
Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development - Sir Francis GALTON - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at