Author of Audiobooks - Sir Francis GALTON
The Art of Travel - Sir Francis GALTON

The Art of Travel - Sir Francis GALTON
- Author: Sir Francis GALTON
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Nature / Travel & Geography
The Art of Travel is a handbook of practical advice for the adventure seeking Victorian. We hear how to organize all steps of a voyage, from the very beginnings (qualifications of a traveller, how to organize an expedition, the perfect outfit), to...
English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture - Sir Francis GALTON

English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture - Sir Francis GALTON
- Author: Sir Francis GALTON
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography
The results of a survey undertaken by Galton to learn more about individual differences and similarities between the "pre-eminent" men of his time. Brief biographical information, biometric data and extensive quotations have been compiled and...
Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development - Sir Francis GALTON

Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development - Sir Francis GALTON
- Author: Sir Francis GALTON
- Genre: Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Francis Galton, credited with the discovery of identification by fingerprinting, also took a long term interest in the study of biometrics. In this book, many different faculties, both observable and measurable are discussed in length and methods of...
Hereditary Genius - Sir Francis GALTON

Hereditary Genius - Sir Francis GALTON
- Author: Sir Francis GALTON
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Science
A biographical summary of the pre-eminent men of Britain grouped by profession. The extensive survey draws from information including college graduation, reputation during career, fellowships, and even known relatives. Includes discussions on...