Audio Books » Авторы » Maria MONTESSORI

Author of Audiobooks - Maria MONTESSORI

The Mother and the Child - Maria MONTESSORI
The Mother and the Child - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Mother and the Child - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Mother and the Child - Maria MONTESSORI
"The mother and the child" is a lecture given by Maria Montessori in 1915. The famous educational reformer speaks about the importance to give children freedom and a suitable environment, so they will be able to fully develop according to their own...
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook - Maria MONTESSORI
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook - Maria MONTESSORI
This is the authoritative book written by Montessori to describe her methods. It gives an overview of the Montessori Method as developed for 3 to 6 year olds. It is a short work, intended as a manual for teachers and parents, detailing the materials...
Spontaneous Activity in Education - Maria MONTESSORI
Spontaneous Activity in Education - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Spontaneous Activity in Education - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Spontaneous Activity in Education - Maria MONTESSORI
Maria Montessori saw that children gained a sense of satisfaction through doing work of their own choosing, and that the role of the adult was to allow this natural ability of the child to flourish through careful design of the environment, and the...
The Montessori Method - Maria MONTESSORI
The Montessori Method - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Montessori Method - Maria MONTESSORI Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Montessori Method - Maria MONTESSORI
In the early 1900's Dr. Maria Montessori began to reform educational methods with her work the 'Case dei Bambini' in Rome, Italy. Montessori began her work by developing methods to educate mentally retarded children, the method she developed was...