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Canzoniere - Dante ALIGHIERI

Le Rime (in English, The Rhymes) are the collection of lyric poems written by Dante Alighieri throughout his life. While the rest of Dante's works were prepared by himself for publication, these poems were written by him in letters, as parts of other works or independently, but only collected and ordered much later, by modern critics. Among these is found the famous collection of Rime Petrose, a cycle of poems dedicated to a woman nicknamed Pietra (Stone) due to her insensibility to the poet's love. As the work of a whole life, the poems are varied, and mirror the many different moments of Dante's thoughts, both poetically and philosophically. - Summary by Leni
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Sonnet I - The First Vision of LoveSonnet II - What might have beenBallata I - De ProfundisSonnet III - Death of Beatrice's Friend, 1Ballata II - Death of Beatrice's Friend, 2Sonet IV - Love as PilgrimSonnet V - SeparationCanzone I - The Lover's Plea for PityBallata III - Eyes Dim With SorrowBallata IV - Apologia Pro Vita SuaSonnet VI - Inner ConflictSonnet VII - TransformationSonnet VIII - Drunk, But Not With WineSonnet IX - Nec Morbos, Nec Remedia Pati PossumusCanzone II - Laudes BeatricisCanzone III - RetrospectionSonnet X - The Birth of LoveSonnet XI - Beatrice's SalutationSonnet XII - Beatrice`s Sorrows, 1Sonnet XIII - Beatrice's Sorrows, 2Sonnet XIV - The Company of MournersSonnet XV - What Tidings of Beatrice?Canzone IV - ForebodingsSonnet XVI - Giovanna and BeatriceSonnet XVII - Beatrice, God's True PraiseSonnet XVIII - The Beauty of HolinessSonnet XIX - All Saint's Day, 1289Ballata V - Dawning of New HopeSonnet XX - Credentials WitdrawnSonnet XXI - Repulsion and AttractionSonnet XXII - The Moth and the CandleCanzone V - The Fear of Death is Fallen Upon MeStanza - Sighs From Beatrice's GreetingCanzone VI - Beatrice in ParadiseSonnet XXIII - Grief Too Deep For TearsCanzone VII - Beatrice with the AngelsSonnet XXIV - A Year AfterSonnet XXV - The Relief of TearsSonnet XXVI - Sorrow Finding SympathySonnet XXVII - The Wanderings of the EyesSonnet XXVIII - Pity Akin to LoveSonnet XXIX - Sighs and ThoughtsSonnet XXX - Pilgrims in FlorenceSonnet XXXI - Beatrice TransfiguredCanzone VIII - Pain of SeparationCanzone IX - The Lover`s ThreatsSonnet XXXII - The Lover's AnathemaBallata VI - Ignorance in AskingBallata VII - MemoriesBallata VIII - The GarlandSonnet XXXIII - Love's SovereigntySonnet XXXIV - The Envoy's InstructionsSonnet XXXV - For Other's SakeBallata IX - Terrible in BeautySonnet XXXVI - Beautiful and PitilessSonnet XXXVII - A Cry for HelpSonnet XXXVIII - DisappointmentSonnet XXXIX - Stellar InfluencesBallata X - The Scorn of ScornSestina I - Similitudes of LoveSestina II - Similitudes of LoveSestina III - Similitudes of LoveCazone X - Hard as a RockCanzone XI - WinterCanzone XII - Return of SpringCanzone XIII - Love's ServiceCanzone XIV - The Angels of the Third HeavenCanzone XV - The Miracle of BeautyCanzone XVI - True NobilityCanzone XVII - Virtus Sola NobilitasCanzone XVIII - Freedom and BondageCanzone XIX - The Three ExilesCanzone XX - Laudes FlorentiaeSonnet XL - Friendly WarningSonnet XLI - Quis Locus IngenioSonnet XLII - Rivals or PartnersSonnet XLIII - Fair But CruelSonnet XLIV - Faith and UnfaithBallata XI - The Beatific VisionBallata XII - Springtime JoySonnet XLV - What is Love?Sonnet XLVI - Spring After WinterSonnet XLVII - Gold Tried in the FireSonnet XLVIII - Ad MisericordiamSonnet XLIX - Strength in WeaknessCanzone XXI - In MemoriamDante's Confession of Faith
Canzoniere - Dante ALIGHIERI - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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