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The Early Lives of Dante - Giovanni Boccaccio

This recording contains two early biographies of Dante, both written by notable Florentine literati.
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 -1375) was an Italian poet, most famous for his monumental collection of tales, The Decameron. Like Dante, Boccacio was one of the first writers to use the Italian vernacular.
Lionardo Bruni (Aretino) (1369- 1444) was an accredited historian and man of letters. His short biography was inspired by reading the version of Dante's life by Boccaccio, who he considered had mispresented Dante by over-emphasizing the influence of his association with Beatrice.
In his collection Wicksteed also included short articles wrtten by the Florentine banker and diplomat Giovanni Villani (c. 1276 – 1348), his nephew, the historian Filippo Villani (fl. 15th century) and Boccaccio.(Summary by Algy Pug)
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Preface and introductionBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - ProemBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - Dante’s Birth and StudiesBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - His Love of Beatrice, and his MarriageBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - His Family Cares, Honours and ExileBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - His Flight from Florence and his WanderingsBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - His Death and Funeral HonoursBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - Denunciation of the FlorentinesBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - His Appearance, Habits and CharacterBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - Digression concerning PoesyBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - The difference between Poesy and TheologyBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - The Laurel granted to PoetsBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - Dante’s Excellencies and DefectsBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - Diverse Works written by DanteBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante - Incidents that came to pass concerning the Divine ComedyBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante -Dante's Use of the vernacularBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante -The De Monarchia and other WorksBoccaccio's Encomium on Dante -The Dream of Dante’s Mother. ConclusionLionardo Bruni - Life of Dante - Part 1Lionardo Bruni - Life of Dante - Part 2Lionardo Bruni - Life of Dante - Part 3Appendix 1 - Extract from Giovanni Villani’s Florentine ChronicleAppendix 2 - Extract from Filippo Villani’s Life of Dante in his De Origine Civitatis Florentice et ejusdem Famosit CivibusAppendix 3 - A Document preserved in a MS. of Boccaccio’s
The Early Lives of Dante - Giovanni Boccaccio - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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