Political Science - a genre of audiobooks on the website knigi-audio.com/en/. Page - 10
The End of the Middle Age: 1273-1453 - Eleanor Constance LODGE

The End of the Middle Age: 1273-1453 - Eleanor Constance LODGE
- Author: Eleanor Constance LODGE
- Genre: War & Military / Biography & Autobiography / Political Science
Eleanor Constance Lodge, (1869-1936), was the first woman to receive a Doctorate of Letters from the University of Oxford. In this short survey, the 180 years between 1273 and 1453 are characterized as a period of "transition--a time in which...
Utopia (Robinson translation) - Thomas MORE

Utopia (Robinson translation) - Thomas MORE
- Author: Thomas MORE
- Genre: Fantastic Fiction / Literary Fiction / Political Science
Originally entitled A frutefull pleasaunt, and wittie worke of the beste state of publique weale, & of the newe yle, called Utopia: written in Latine, by ... Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson ... The first...
Theodore Roosevelt: an Autobiography - Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt: an Autobiography - Theodore Roosevelt
- Author: Theodore Roosevelt
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Political Science / Modern (19th C)
In his vital, illustrative and dynamic autobiography, Theodore Roosevelt let us into the life that formed one of the greatest and outspoken presidents in American history. Not only are we privy to the formation of his political ideals, but also to...
The Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses of Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt

The Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses of Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt
- Author: Theodore Roosevelt
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Political Science
This book is a collection of Theodore Roosevelt’s published commentaries and public addresses on the general theme of the requirements for individual and collective success in the personal, civic, political, and social arenas. (Introduction by Bob...
Anarchy - Errico MALATESTA

Anarchy - Errico MALATESTA
- Author: Errico MALATESTA
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Political Science
Anarchy explained by the anarchist Errico Malatesta. (Summary by Vineshen Pillay)...
Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
- Author: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
- Genre: Political Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
First written in Gandhi's native language Gujarati, this booklet advocates for Indian non-violent self-rule during the struggle for Indian independence against the British Empire. It is written as a dialogue between two characters. In it, the...
Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 - Various

Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: Political Science
This book is a compilation of scholarly lectures by distinguished experts delivered at Cambridge in August 1916. The titles of the lectures reveal the contents of each presentation and include the following: The war and Balkan politics; the...
Signs of Change - William Morris

Signs of Change - William Morris
- Author: William Morris
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Political Science
In the 1880s William Morris, the artist and poet famously associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, left the Liberal Party and threw himself into the Socialist cause. He spoke all over the country, on street corners as well as in working men's...
Reflections on War and Death - Sigmund Freud

Reflections on War and Death - Sigmund Freud
- Author: Sigmund Freud
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Philosophy / Political Science
Anyone, as Freud tells us in Reflections on War and Death, forced to react against his own impulses may be described as a hypocrite, whether he is conscious of it or not. One might even venture to assert—it is still Freud's argument—that our...
The Facts of Reconstruction - John R. Lynch

The Facts of Reconstruction - John R. Lynch
- Author: John R. Lynch
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Political Science
After the American Civil War, John R. Lynch, who had been a slave in Mississippi, began his political career in 1869 by first becoming Justice of the Peace, and then Mississippi State Representative. He was only 26 when he was elected to the US...
The Anti-Federalist Papers - Patrick HENRY

The Anti-Federalist Papers - Patrick HENRY
- Author: Patrick HENRY
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Philosophy / Political Science
During the period of debate over the ratification of the Constitution, numerous independent local speeches and articles were published all across the country. Initially, many of the articles in opposition were written under pseudonyms, such as...
Hildebrand and his Times - William Richard Ward Stephens

Hildebrand and his Times - William Richard Ward Stephens
- Author: William Richard Ward Stephens
- Genre: War & Military / Biography & Autobiography / Political Science
W.R.W. Stephens, the Anglican Dean of Winchester, writes a short, lively biography of the great church reformer, Hildebrand of Sovana (1015-1085), afterwards Pope Gregory VII, setting his life within the larger context of the struggle for dominance...
The Spirit of Laws (Volume 1) - Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de

The Spirit of Laws (Volume 1) - Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de
- Author: Charles-Louis de Secondat baron de La Brède et de
- Genre: Law / Political Science / Early Modern
This audiobook covers Volume 1 (Books I to XIX) of "The Spirit of the Laws" (French: De "l'esprit des lois", also sometimes called "The Spirit of Laws"). Spirit of Laws is a treatise on political theory first published anonymously by Charles de...
The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes

The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes
- Author: John Maynard Keynes
- Genre: Political Science
The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) was a best seller throughout the world, published by John Maynard Keynes. Keynes attended the Versailles Conference as a delegate of the British Treasury and argued for a much more generous peace with...
Why Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Role in the Present War - Armen Garo

Why Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Role in the Present War - Armen Garo
- Author: Armen Garo
- Genre: Political Science
Here is a trenchant argument for the Allied Supreme Council, established at the close of World War One, to recognize and defend the independence of Armenia and its people. Responding to President Wilson's call for the sovereignty of those who fought...
Modern England 1820-1885 - Oscar Browning

Modern England 1820-1885 - Oscar Browning
- Author: Oscar Browning
- Genre: War & Military / Political Science / Modern (19th C)
This short survey opens with the accession of that portly spendthrift, King George IV. With British support, Greece becomes independent. The Irish, under O'Connell, carry agitation to the point of rebellion, forcing Parliament to pass the Catholic...
Vindication Of The Rights Of Men, In A Letter To The Right Honourable Edmund Burke; Occasioned By His Reflections On The Revolution In France - Mary Wollstonecraft

Vindication Of The Rights Of Men, In A Letter To The Right Honourable Edmund Burke; Occasioned By His Reflections On The Revolution In France - Mary Wollstonecraft
- Author: Mary Wollstonecraft
- Genre: Political Science / Psychology / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) attacks aristocracy and advocates republicanism. It was published in response to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), which was a defence of constitutional...
Crime, Its Causes and Remedies - Cesare Lombroso

Crime, Its Causes and Remedies - Cesare Lombroso
- Author: Cesare Lombroso
- Genre: Law / Political Science / Psychology
Published as the third volume in the Modern Criminal Science Series, Cesare Lombroso, renowned Italian criminologist, collected a wealth of information regarding the incidence, classification, and causes of crime. Crime calendars, the geography of...
State of the Union Addresses by United States Presidents (1901 - 1908) - Theodore Roosevelt

State of the Union Addresses by United States Presidents (1901 - 1908) - Theodore Roosevelt
- Author: Theodore Roosevelt
- Genre: War & Military / Political Science
The State of the Union address is a speech presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, typically delivered annually. The address not only reports on the condition of the nation but also allows...
The Fable of the Bees - Bernard Mandeville

The Fable of the Bees - Bernard Mandeville
- Author: Bernard Mandeville
- Genre: Single author / Political Science
Bernard Mandeville's didactic poem praising the virtues that personal vices bestow on society as a whole, along with several treatises and dialogues explaining and defending it. Mandeville's theories were influential in the development of both the...