Audio Books » Political Science » Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 - Various
Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 - Various Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 - Various

  • Title: Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916
  • Author: Various
  • Category: Political Science
  • Time: 06:22:55
This book is a compilation of scholarly lectures by distinguished experts delivered at Cambridge in August 1916. The titles of the lectures reveal the contents of each presentation and include the following: The war and Balkan politics; the representative system in Russia; past and present of Russian economics; Poland, old and new; the nationalities of Russia; and the development of science and learning in Russia. - Summary by Jan Moorehouse
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Russian Realities and Problems: Lectures delivered at Cambridge in August 1916 - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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