*Non-fiction - a genre of audiobooks on the website knigi-audio.com/en/. Page - 18
Heroes of the Middle Ages - Eva March Tappan

Heroes of the Middle Ages - Eva March Tappan
- Author: Eva March Tappan
- Genre: Children's Fiction / *Non-fiction / Biography & Autobiography
"The object of this book is to bring together stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages, and to make familiar the names of the most important figures in those scenes. I have endeavoured to weave a...
Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 055 - Various

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 055 - Various
- Author: Various
- Genre: *Non-fiction
Fifteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include Philosophy and Psychology: selections from Kierkegaard's "Preparation for a Christian Life" and Jung's "The Hymn of Creation," and an...
Meditations from the Pen of Mrs. Maria W. Stewart - Maria W. STEWART

Meditations from the Pen of Mrs. Maria W. Stewart - Maria W. STEWART
- Author: Maria W. STEWART
- Genre: Poetry / *Non-fiction / Political Science
Maria W. Stewart was America's first black woman political writer. Between 1831 and 1833, she gave four speeches on the topics of slavery and women's rights. Meditations From The Pen of Mrs. Maria W. Stewartβpublished in 1879, shortly before her...
Protagoras - Plato

Protagoras - Plato
- Author: Plato
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / General Fiction / *Non-fiction
Jowett, in his always informative introduction, sees this dialogue as transitional between the early and middle dialogues. Socrates meets with Protagoras and other sophists and pursues his inquiry into virtue. The dialectic brings the thinkers to a...
Posterior Analytics - Aristotle

Posterior Analytics - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Philosophy / Ancient
Posterior Analytics is the fourth of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument"). Posterior Analytics deals with demonstration, definition, and scientific knowledge. Demonstration is distinguished as a...
Quiet Talks on Prayer - S. D. Gordon

Quiet Talks on Prayer - S. D. Gordon
- Author: S. D. Gordon
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Religion / Self-Help
An open life, an open hand, open upward, is the pipe line of communication between the heart of God and this poor befooled old world. Our prayer is God's opportunity to get into the world that would shut Him out. (From the first chapter)...
Poems: Series One - Emily Dickinson

Poems: Series One - Emily Dickinson
- Author: Emily Dickinson
- Genre: Poetry / *Non-fiction / Nature
Renowned poet Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886) wrote many many poems. This collection, "Poems: Series One", presents the first installment of the complete poetic works of Miss Emily Dickinson. It is broken into four parts: Life, Love, Nature, and Time...
Children of the Ghetto - Israel Zangwill

Children of the Ghetto - Israel Zangwill
- Author: Israel Zangwill
- Genre: Historical Fiction / *Non-fiction / Religion
In this 1892 novel of London's Jewish East End, Israel Zangwill sets the apparently irrational and decidedly indecorous religious practices of transplanted eastern European Jews against the forces of assimilation. Zangwill's knowledge of Yiddishkeit...
Our Island Story, Part 1 - Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall

Our Island Story, Part 1 - Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
- Author: Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
- Genre: Children's Fiction / *Non-fiction / History
Our Island Story was first published in 1905 and became an instant classic. Beginning with the Romans and following the triumphs and foibles of the good, not so good and the downright despicable figures of history; we are treated to a dazzling...
Principles of Economics, Book 1: Preliminary Survey - Alfred Marshall

Principles of Economics, Book 1: Preliminary Survey - Alfred Marshall
- Author: Alfred Marshall
- Genre: *Non-fiction
Principles of Economics was a leading economics textbook of Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), first published in 1890. Marshall began writing the book in 1881, and he spent much of the next decade at work on it. His plan for the work gradually extended...
The Gladstone Colony: An Unwritten Chapter of Australian History - James Francis HOGAN

The Gladstone Colony: An Unwritten Chapter of Australian History - James Francis HOGAN
- Author: James Francis HOGAN
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History
This is an early history of the failed attempt to found the colony of North Australia at Gladstone, in what is now Central Queensland. (Summary by Timothy Ferguson)...
Famous Men of Rome - John Henry HAAREN

Famous Men of Rome - John Henry HAAREN
- Author: John Henry HAAREN
- Genre: Children's Fiction / *Non-fiction / Biography & Autobiography
Biographical sketches of the men of Rome, written for children. (summary by Laura Caldwell)...
Wherein? - G. Campbell Morgan

Wherein? - G. Campbell Morgan
- Author: G. Campbell Morgan
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Religion / Self-Help
These studies in the book of Malachi were delivered as addresses to the students at Mr. Moodyβs Bible School in Chicago, and then to my own congregation. They have also appeared in βThe Record of Christian Workβ in the United States, and in βOut and...
Public Opinion - Walter LIPPMANN

Public Opinion - Walter LIPPMANN
- Author: Walter LIPPMANN
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Political Science
Public Opinion (1922), by Walter Lippman, is a critical assessment of functional democratic government, especially the irrational, and often self-serving, social perceptions that influence individual behavior, and prevent optimal societal cohesion....
Up from Slavery: An Autobiography - Booker T. Washington

Up from Slavery: An Autobiography - Booker T. Washington
- Author: Booker T. Washington
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Political Science
Up From Slavery is the 1901 autobiography of Booker T. Washington detailing his slow and steady rise from a slave child during the Civil War, to the difficulties and obstacles he overcame to get an education at the new Hampton University, to his...
The Complete Book of Cheese - Bob BROWN

The Complete Book of Cheese - Bob BROWN
- Author: Bob BROWN
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Self-Help
Bob Brown, after living thirty years in as many foreign lands and enjoying countless national cheeses at the source, returned to New York and summed them all up in this book.Born in Chicago, he was graduated from Oak Park High School and entered the...
Concerning Christian Liberty - Martin Luther

Concerning Christian Liberty - Martin Luther
- Author: Martin Luther
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Religion
Early in the course of the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing the Church, the Nobility and the Christian life. This document concerning the Christian life expounds the famous paradox: "A Christian...
Stickeen - John Muir

Stickeen - John Muir
- Author: John Muir
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Animals
A great dog story, a well told tale--the naturalist and adventurer John Muir recounts how he and his companion, a dog named Stickeen, each, alone, confronted and conquered their fears of an icy Alaskan glacier in 1880. (Summary by Sue Anderson)...
Good Morning, Boys and Girls! - Rev. Thomas J. HOSTY

Good Morning, Boys and Girls! - Rev. Thomas J. HOSTY
- Author: Rev. Thomas J. HOSTY
- Genre: Children's Fiction / *Non-fiction / Religion
Forty simple, delightful sermons for children. The stories cover a full school year, all Sundays and a few holydays in between. Under such engaging chapter titles, as Chasing Rainbows, Caterpillars, The Best Christmas Gift, and Breakfast of...
Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People - Evelyn UNDERHILL

Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People - Evelyn UNDERHILL
- Author: Evelyn UNDERHILL
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Religion
Underhillβs definition of mysticism, her exploration of the stages of spiritual progress along the mystical path, and her argument about the practical application of mysticism for ordinary people. (Summary by Carla Arnell)...