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Heroes of the Middle Ages - Eva March Tappan

"The object of this book is to bring together stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages, and to make familiar the names of the most important figures in those scenes. I have endeavoured to weave a tapestry in which, with due colour, may be traced the history of the rise and fall of the various nationalities and the circumstances and mode of life of each—in short, to give the young reader an approximation to the background for the study of his country's history which a wide reading gives to a man." (Summary from the Preface of Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan)
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PrefaceAlaric the Visogoth Besieges RomeAttila the Hun is Defeated at ChalonsGenseric the Vandal Sacks RomeThe Teutons and Their MythsThe Story of the NibelungsClovis Becomes the First King of FranksTheodoric the Ostrogoth Becomes Ruler of ItalyCharles Martel Repels the Mohammedans at ToursCharlemagne is Crowned Emperor of the RomansThe Coming of the Teutons to EnglandThe Story of BeowulfSaint Patrick Preaches in IrelandThe Legend of King ArthurAlfred the Great Rules EnglandRurik the Norseman becomes Ruler in RussiaRollo the Viking Makes Settlements in FranceWilliam the Conqueror Conquers EnglandLeif Ericsson Visits the Coast of New EnglandHenry the Fowler Founds the German MonarchyHugh Capet Becomes the First King of the FrenchThe Cid Captures ValenciaMagna Carta signed by King JohnThe Life of the KnightCountry Life in the Middle AgesTown Life in the Middle AgesPeter the Hermit Leads the First CrusadeRichard the Lion-Hearted Leads the Third CrusadeThe Children's CrusadeRoger Bacon, a Pioneer in Science and PhilosophyMarco Polo Visits the Great Khan of ChinaFrancesco Petrarch and the Revival of LearningThe Fall of ConstantinopleJohn Gutenberg Invents PrintingColumbus Discovers AmericaVasco de Gama Reaches India by Rounding AfricaFerdinand Magellan Leads First Voyage Round WorldRobert Bruce Wins at Bannockburn and Frees ScotlanWilliam Tell and Arnold Von WinkelriedThe Black Prince, Hero of CrecyJoan of Arc, the Girl Commander
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