Audio Books » *Non-fiction » Страница 10

*Non-fiction - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 10

Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago - Hannah Trager
Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago - Hannah Trager Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago - Hannah Trager Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago - Hannah Trager
Hannah Trager published Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago in 1926, so the book is a portrait of day to day life for a Jewish family in Jerusalem around 1876. In each chapter, Mr. Jacobs reads a letter from his cousins living in Jerusalem...
The Outline of Science, Vol 3 - J. Arthur Thomson
The Outline of Science, Vol 3 - J. Arthur Thomson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Outline of Science, Vol 3 - J. Arthur Thomson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Outline of Science, Vol 3 - J. Arthur Thomson
The Outline of Science was written specifically with the man-on-the-street in mind as the target audience. Covering scientific subjects ranging from astronomy to biology to elementary physics in clear, concise and easily understood prose, this...
National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report - National Gambling Impact Study Commission
National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report - National Gambling Impact Study Commission Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report - National Gambling Impact Study Commission Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report - National Gambling Impact Study Commission
The National Gambling Impact Study Commission was given the task of conducting a comprehensive legal and factual study on the social and economic implications of gambling in the United States. This report presents the principal findings of that work...
Creative Chemistry - Edwin E. Slosson
Creative Chemistry - Edwin E. Slosson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Creative Chemistry - Edwin E. Slosson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Creative Chemistry - Edwin E. Slosson
Slosson reviews the transformation of alchemistry from an obscure and imprecise practice to the science of chemistry. Along the way, he explains how the modern industrial world now relies on fertilizers, explosives, textile materials, polymers and...
John Quincy Adams - John T. Morse
John Quincy Adams - John T. Morse Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
John Quincy Adams - John T. Morse Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
John Quincy Adams - John T. Morse
  • Author: John T. Morse
  • Genre: *Non-fiction / Biography & Autobiography / History
This biography contains three main sections. the first covers Adams's early years and his time as a diplomat--both in America and overseas. The second tells of his two careers as Secretary of State and President. The last involves his years in the...
How to Succeed - Orison Swett Marden
How to Succeed - Orison Swett Marden Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
How to Succeed - Orison Swett Marden Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
How to Succeed - Orison Swett Marden
In this volume, Orison Swett Marden explains the road to success in simple terms for the benefit of anyone, who wishes to follow in his footsteps. Over 100 years after publication, most of these lessons are still valid today....
Fifty Famous Stories Retold (version 2) - James Baldwin
Fifty Famous Stories Retold (version 2) - James Baldwin Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Fifty Famous Stories Retold (version 2) - James Baldwin Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Fifty Famous Stories Retold (version 2) - James Baldwin
  • Author: James Baldwin
  • Genre: Children's Fiction / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales / *Non-fiction
Some have a slight historical value; some are useful as giving point to certain great moral truths; others are products solely of the fancy, and are intended only to amuse. Some are derived from very ancient sources, and are current in the...
The Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations in Greek while on campaign between 170 and 180, as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. These memos survive and continue to inspire others to this day. These writings take the form of quotations...
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 2, Chapter 10) - Thomas Babington Macaulay
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 2, Chapter 10) - Thomas Babington Macaulay Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 2, Chapter 10) - Thomas Babington Macaulay Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 2, Chapter 10) - Thomas Babington Macaulay
This chapter begins with the flight of James II and then moves on to the downfall of Judge Jeffreys and the arrival of Dutch troops in London. James flees again and we see the establishment of the Jacobean court in France at Saint Germains. The...
American Cookery - Amelia Simmons
American Cookery - Amelia Simmons Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
American Cookery - Amelia Simmons Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
American Cookery - Amelia Simmons
American Cookery, by Amelia Simmons, was the first known cookbook written by an American, published in 1796. Until this time, the cookbooks printed and used in what became the United States were British cookbooks, so the importance of this book is...
The Book of Hallowe'en - Ruth Edna Kelley
The Book of Hallowe'en - Ruth Edna Kelley Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Book of Hallowe'en - Ruth Edna Kelley Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Book of Hallowe'en - Ruth Edna Kelley
  • Author: Ruth Edna Kelley
  • Genre: Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales / *Non-fiction / History
This book is intended to give the reader an account of the origin and history of Hallowe'en, how it absorbed some customs belonging to other days in the year,—such as May Day, Midsummer, and Christmas. The context is illustrated by selections from...
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth - Olive Gilbert
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth - Olive Gilbert Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth - Olive Gilbert Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth - Olive Gilbert
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth is the gripping autobiographical account of Sojourner Truths life as a slave in pre-Civil War New York State, and her eventual escape to Freedom. Since Sojourner could neither read or write, she dictated her story to...
Screen Acting - Mae Marsh
Screen Acting - Mae Marsh Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Screen Acting - Mae Marsh Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Screen Acting - Mae Marsh
  • Author: Mae Marsh
  • Genre: *Non-fiction / Memoirs
Silent film star, Mae Marsh, recounts her life as an actress in this publication, what she deems as being the answer to thousands of letters written to her over the years inquiring about what it takes to be a screen actor. As she states in the...
English Synonyms and Antonyms - James Champlin Fernald
English Synonyms and Antonyms - James Champlin Fernald Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
English Synonyms and Antonyms - James Champlin Fernald Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
English Synonyms and Antonyms - James Champlin Fernald
English Synonyms and Antonyms is basically a vocabulary builder that students might use as they prepare for entrance or exit exams. Each entry gives a list of synonyms, followed by a paragraph that briefly explains or exemplifies the subtle...
The Large Catechism - Martin Luther
The Large Catechism - Martin Luther Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Large Catechism - Martin Luther Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Large Catechism - Martin Luther
Luther's Large Catechism consisted of works written by Martin Luther and compiled Christian canonical texts, published in April of 1529. This book was addressed particularly to clergymen to aid them in teaching their congregations. Luther's Large...
Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador 1821-1875 - Augustine Berthe
Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador 1821-1875 - Augustine Berthe Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador 1821-1875 - Augustine Berthe Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador 1821-1875 - Augustine Berthe
Gabriel Gregorio Fernando José María García y Moreno y Morán de Buitrón (1821–1875) was an Ecuadorian politician who twice served as President of Ecuador (1859-1865 and 1869-1875) and was assassinated during his second term, after being elected to a...
Lives of Girls Who Became Famous - Sarah Knowles Bolton
Lives of Girls Who Became Famous - Sarah Knowles Bolton Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Lives of Girls Who Became Famous - Sarah Knowles Bolton Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Lives of Girls Who Became Famous - Sarah Knowles Bolton
This book is a collection of short biographies of notable women, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louisa May Alcott, Florence Nightingale, and many others. (Summary by Arielle Lipshaw)...
Wild Bird Guests - Ernest Baynes
Wild Bird Guests - Ernest Baynes Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Wild Bird Guests - Ernest Baynes Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Wild Bird Guests - Ernest Baynes
How to entertain them; with chapters on the destruction of birds, their economic and aesthetic values, suggestions for dealing with their enemies and on the organization and management of bird clubs. - book subtitle. Note: Because of its length and...
Principles of Economics, Book 6: The Distribution of National Income - Alfred Marshall
Principles of Economics, Book 6: The Distribution of National Income - Alfred Marshall Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Principles of Economics, Book 6: The Distribution of National Income - Alfred Marshall Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Principles of Economics, Book 6: The Distribution of National Income - Alfred Marshall
Principles of Economics was a leading economics textbook of Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), first published in 1890. Marshall began writing the Principles of Economics in 1881 and he spent much of the next decade at work on the treatise. His plan for...
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages - Sabine Baring-Gould
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages - Sabine Baring-Gould Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages - Sabine Baring-Gould Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages - Sabine Baring-Gould
This volume is an example of Sabine Baring-Gould's extensive research into the middle ages. This volume of 12 curiosities was one of Baring-Gould's most successful publications. (Summary by Carolin)...