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English Synonyms and Antonyms - James Champlin Fernald

English Synonyms and Antonyms is basically a vocabulary builder that students might use as they prepare for entrance or exit exams. Each entry gives a list of synonyms, followed by a paragraph that briefly explains or exemplifies the subtle distinctions between the listed words. The entries sometimes close with a few words on the prepositions that follow selected synonyms, but more often with a list of antonyms.

By "synonyms" we usually understand words that coincide or nearly coincide in some part of their meaning, and may hence within certain limits be used interchangeably, while outside of those limits they may differ very greatly in meaning and use. It is the office of a work on synonyms to point out these correspondences and differences, that language may have the flexibility that comes from freedom of selection within the common limits, with the perspicuity and precision that result from exact choice of the fittest words to express each shade of meaning outside of the common limits. (Summary by DSayers and the author from the entry "Synonymous")

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PrefaceAbandon to AbridgmentAbsolute to AccessoryAccident to Address, n.Adequate to AiryAlarm to AllianceAllot to AmbitionAmend to AnswerAnticipate to AppearAppendage to ArtistAsk to AttainAttitude to AxiomBabble to BecauseBecoming to BluffBody to ByCabal to CaricatureCarry to Change, n.Character to ClearClever to CongratulateConquer to CriminalDaily to DeliciousDelightful to DifferenceDifficult to DogmaticDoubt, v. to DutyEager to EmigrateEmploy to EnmityEntertain to Esteem, n.Eternal to ExterminateFaint to FetterFeud to FollowFood to FrugalityGarrolous to GriefHabit to HarvestHatred to HighHinder to HypothesisIdea to ImaginationImmediately to InfluenceInherent to InvolveJourney to KillLanguage to LightLikely to LoveMake to MeterMind to MysteriousName to NecessityNeglect to Notwithstanding, prep.Oath to OversightPain to Pay, n.People to PerversePhysical to PoetryPolite to PredestinationPrejudice to PrimevalProfit to ProverbProwess to QuoteRacy to RecordRecover to RenounceRepentence to RevelationRevenge to RusticSacrament to Self-AbnegationSend to ShakeShelter to SlanderSlang to StainState to SubvertSucceed to SystemTaciturn to TimeTip to TransientUnion to VenerationVenial to VirtueWander to Youthful
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