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Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2 - Isaac D'ISRAELI

This is the second volume of the collected Curiosities of Literature by Isaac D'Israeli. As in volume one, D'Isreali again takes us on a tour around literature, with a dash of history and politics here and there. The subjects are so varied that all listeners can count on learning something new. - Summary by Carolin
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Charles the FirstDuke of BuckinghamThe Death of Charles IXRoyal PromotionsNobilityModes of Salutation, and Amicable Ceremonies, Observed in Various NationsFire, and the Origin of FireworksThe Bible Prohibited and ImprovedOrigin of the Materials of WritingAnecdotes of European MannersThe Early DramaThe Marriage of the ArtsA Contrivance in Dramatic DialogueThe Comedy of a MadmanSolitudeLiterary FriendshipsAnecdotes of Abstraction of MindRichardsonInfluence of a NameThe Jews of YorkThe Sovereignty of the SeasOn the Custom of Kissing HandsPopesLiterary CompositionPoetical Imitations and SimilaritiesExplanation of the Fac-SimileLiterary FashionsThe Pantomimical CharactersExtemporal ComediesMassinger, Milton, and the Italian TheatreSongs of Trades, or Songs for the PeopleIntroducers of Exotic Flowers, Fruits, etc.Usurers of the Seventeenth CenturyChidiock TitchbourneElizabeth and her ParliamentAnecdotes of Prince Henry, the Son of James I, when a ChildThe Diary of a Master of the CeremoniesDiaries - Moral, Historical, and CriticalLicensers of the PressOf Anagrams and Echo VersesOrthography of Proper NamesNames of Our StreetsSecret History of Edward Vere, Earl of OxfordAncient Cookery, and CooksAncient and Modern SaturnaliaReliquiae GethinianaeRobinson CrusoeCatholic and Protestant DramasThe History of the Theatre during its SuppressionDrinking-Customs in EnglandLiterary AnecdotesCondemned PoetsAcajou and ZirphileTom o' BedlamsIntroduction of Tea, Coffee, and ChocolateCharles the First's Love of the Fine ArtsSecret History of Charles the First, and his Queen HenriettaThe Minister - the Cardinal Duke of RichelieuThe Minister - Duke of Buckingham, Lord Admiral, Lord General, etc. etc. etc.Felton, the Political AssassinJohnson's Hints for the Life of PopeModern Literature - Bayle's Critical DictionaryCharacteristics of BayleCicero Viewed as a CollectorThe History of the CaracciAn English Academy of LiteratureQuotationThe Origin of Dante's InfernoOf a History of Events which have not HappenedOf False Political ReportsOf Suppressors and Dilapidators of ManuscriptsParodiesAnecdotes of the Fairfax FamilyMedicine and MoralsPsalm-SingingOn the Ridiculous Titles Assumed by Italian AcademiesOn the Hero of Hudibras, Butler VindicatedShenstone's School-MistressBen Johnson on TranslationThe Loves of 'The Lady Arabella'Domestic History of Sir Edward CokeOf Coke's Style, and his ConductSecret History of Authors who have Ruined their Booksellers
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