This is a collection of broadsides from London. Broadsides are short, popular publications, a precursor to today's tabloid journalism. The collection contains sensationalist and sometimes comical stories about criminal conduct, love, the Royal Family, politics, as well as gallows' literature. Gallow's literature (confessions, verses etc. relating to individuals condemned to public execution) were often sold at the execution. As a collection these broadsides are a reminder of how important the printer was at this time -- it is surely no coincidence that the printers are printed at the end of every broadside, while the authors remain anonymous. - Summary by kathrinee
Introduction1.1 Introductory remarks about cocks, catchpennies, street drolleries etc.1.2 Two Murders1.3 Trial, Rape, and Murder1.4 A Murder, a Murder of his Wife1.5 Punishment for Murder and a Man, Hanged, Now Alive1.6 Liverpool Tragedy, Massacre1.7 London Fire, Fatal Thunderstorm1.8 Scarborough Tragedy, a Wager1.9 Gossip, Secrets: Loveletters and The Unfaithful Husband Found Out, and a Hopeful Loveletter1.10 The Story of the Yorkshire Knight in Three Parts1.11 Faithful lovers, a Quarrel, and an Apparition1.12 A Catastrophe, and the Secrets of A Lord and Lady1.13 Two Elopements and a Funny Love Affair1.14 The Blasphemer, Warning to a Publican1.15 An Apparition and Particulars of Fortune Telling1.16 A Four-Day Trance and a Sleep-Walker1.17 Dialogue between Death and a Sinner, Railroad to Heaven and to Hell1.18 A Loveletter to a Sailor, A Maid and the Amorous Squire, The "Taking Off" of Prince Albert's Inexpressibles1.19 Battle of Pea Soup, and the Great Old Goat1.20 Adventures Looking for Mother Clifton, Selling a Wife1.21 The Perpetual Almanack, a Tounge-Twister Tale1.22 Female Teasing, Trademan's Hymn, The Register1.23 Rent Day, Cooking a Wife, and Various Other Things at an Auction1.24 The Last of the "Cocks," Suicide of an Artist and Letters Found on his Body2.1 Introduction to Political and Royal Broadsides, the King2.2 Three Accounts of Queen Victoria2.3 Queen Victoria's Marriage and An Assassination Attempt!2.4 Royal Childbirth and a Celebration of the Queen2.5 An Intruder Breaks into Queen Victoria's Bedroom and A Song about the Queen2.6 Three Accounts of the Birth of the Prince of Wales.2.7 A Visit to the Queen, a Royal Exchange, a Royal Marriage2.8 A Scene in the Election (farce), Speling Book for the Unions2.9 The Times and John Bull v. the Pope's Bull2.10 A Political Catechism and Famine Fast Day2.11 Three Political Texts2.12 Three Accounts of Political Affiliations, Reform, and Elections2.13 Political Thanksgiving and the Rights of Women2.14 A Reform Alphabet and Two Irish Questions2.15 A New Bill and a New Act of Parliament2.16 Street Laws, the Poor Law, Death of a Pauper2.17 Two Catechisms: the Soldier's and the Drunkard's, and Two Poems About the Drunkard2.18 Beer House Act and Two Poems: Brave Nelson and Battle of Waterloo2.19 Four Songs about the Price of Food, Politics, and Laws2.20 Five Songs about the Irish Liberator, Poverty, and the Elction2.21 Four Songs about England, the Election, and the Death of Wellington2.22 Six Songs about Battles, Florence NIghtingale, and International Affairs2.23 Fours Songs about Cobden, Naval Battle, Lament, and Reform2.24 Three Songs about Reform2.25 Three More Songs about Reform2.26 Two Songs about Fenians and Explosion2.27 Trading Bill and Election3.1 Introduction to Division 3 and The Female Husband3.2 Shakespeare's House, a Costume, Manchester and Preston Guild3.3 A Prophesy, Grace Darling, a Championship, and an Accident on the Ice3.4 Foreigners in England and Financial Hardships3.5 And Agricultural Show, a Lunacy Case, and an Old Marquis and his Wife3.6 Two Marriages and One Affair3.7 Strike of Tailors, The Parson, Night in a Workhouse3.8 The Ghost, The Wiched Woman, The Artful Girl3.9 The She-He Barman, Beauty and Match-Making, the Convent3.10 The Flitch of Bacon, Lord Mayor's Show, and a Boat Race3.11 Three discussions of Fashion: Petticoats, Crinolines and Chignons.3.12 The Velocipede, The Lord Mayor's Show, The Queen Opens a Viaduct3.13 Cabman Flags, a Divorce Case, and Volunteer Review3.14 A Parson Outwitted and the He-She Ladies4.1 Introdction to part 4 and The Life and Execution of Sir John Oldcastle4.2 The Dying Speeches and Execution of Seven Conspirators4.3 The Execution of Luke Hutton4.4 The Exectution of Conspirators and of Sir Walter Raleigh4.5 The Executions of Thomas Armstrong and William Nevison4.6 Trial and Executions of James Lowry, John Swan, and Elizabeth Jeffryes4.7 Execution of Six Unfortunate Malefactors and John Austin4.8 Trials and Executions of April 11, John Hogan, and Joseph Richards4.9 Old Bailey Intelligence and Execution of Eight Convicts4.10 Executions of Unforunate Sailors and Richard Parker4.11 The Executions of Mary Nott and James Nesbett4.12 Sentences of Prisoners of September 11, 1822 and the Death of Ann Williams4.13 The Confessions and Executions of John Thurtell, C.T. White, and Amelia Roberts4.14 The Confession and Execution of William Corder, Bishop and Williams4.15 The Confession and Execution of James Greenacre and F.B. Courvoisier4.16 The Executions of Robert Blakesley and Verses on Daniel Good4.17 The Executions of James Bloomfield Rush and John Gleeson Wilson4.18 An Execution and a Tragedy: Six Children Murdered by their Mother4.19 Execution of William Cogan and George Gardner4.20 Execution of William G. Youngman and the Wigan Murder4.21 The Execution of Priscilla Biggadike and Frederick Baker4.22 Executions at Durham, Confessions and Executions of Samuel Wright and James Clitheroe4.23 Two Murders on the Railway4.24 The Chase, Capture and Execution of Franz Muller4.25 Lamentation and Execution of James Longhurst and Miles Weatherhill4.26 Sentence of Constance Kent and Confession and Executions of Stephen Forward4.27 Execution of Pirates, Leigh and the Murder of a Child by a Schoolmistress4.28 Farewell to the World of Richard Bishop and Lamentations of J. Mapp and H. Lingley4.29 Executions of Alice Holt and the Murder of a Boy by his own Father4.30 Lamentations of J. R. Jeffery, John Fletcher, Ann Lawrence4.31 Executions of Michael Barrett, Allen, Gould, Larkin, and William Sheward4.32 Executions of John Devine, Martin Brown, and Alexander Mackay4.33 Murder of a Wife and Six Children and Executions of F. Hinson and J. Rutterford4.34 The Heroes of the Guillotine and Gallows
Curiosities of Street Literature - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at