The international language Esperanto was first released to the world in 1887, when L. L. Zamenhof published his first book, "Dr. Esperanto's International Language". Since that time, many learning books have been developed to help the beginner attain a proficiency in the language. Helen Fryer's "Esperanto Teacher" is one of the earliest of these attempts in English. Divided into 45 short and easy lessons and supplemented with sections on joining words, exclamations, compound words, arrangement of words in a sentence, words used with the object, the 16 rules of grammar and list of common useful expressions, as well as a number of translated texts for the new Esperantist to practice his/her skills, this book contains everything one needs to gain a proficiency in the language.
Title, Presentation, Preface, Manner of Using the Book, The Origin and Aim of EsperantoThe Alphabet. Sounds of the LettersLesson 1. WordsLesson 2.Lesson 3.Lesson 4.Lesson 5. The use of final n.Lesson 6.Lesson 7.Lesson 8.Lesson 9.Lesson 10. Verbs (continued), -i, -u.Lesson 11. Verbs (continued) –us.Lesson 12.Lesson 13. Mal-, -in-.Lesson 14. Re-, -ad-, ek-.Lesson 15. Verbs (continued).Lesson 16.Lesson 17.Lesson 18. Suffix –ist-.Lesson 19. Suffixes -ig-, -iĝ-.Lesson 20.Lesson 21. Suffixes –eg-, -et-.Lesson 22. Suffix –il-.Lesson 23. Suffixes –an-, -estr-.Lesson 24. Suffixes –ar-, -er-.Lesson 25. Suffix –ul-.Lesson 26.Lesson 27. Al.Lesson 28. Ĉe. Apud.Lesson 29. En.Lesson 30. Inter. Ekster. El.Lesson 31. Sur. Super. Sub.Lesson 32. Tra. Trans. Preter.Lesson 33. Antaŭ. Post.Lesson 34. Dum. Ĝis. Ĉirkaŭ.Lesson 35. De. Da.Lesson 36. Per. Kun. Sen.Lesson 37. Por. Pro.Lesson 38. Pri. Laŭ.Lesson 39. Kontraŭ. Anstataŭ. Krom.Lesson 40. Malgraŭ. Spite. Po. Je.Lesson 41. Suffixes -aĵ-, -ec-.Lesson 42. Suffixes -ej-, -uj-, -ing-.Lesson 43. Ge-, bo-, -id-, pra-, -ĉj-, -nj-.Lesson 44. Suffixes -ebl-, -ind-, -em-.Lesson 45. Dis-, -um-.Joining Words. Conjunctions. Exclamations. Interjections. Compound Words.Arrangement of words in the Sentence.Words used with the object.Complete Grammar of Esperanto. By Dr. Zamenhof. (This contains the famous “16 rules”)Common Useful ExpressionsTranslations from Various Languages: Pardonata Foresto. Korekto. Naiveco. Hawke.Translations from Various Languages: Efika Ruzo(El Tutmonda Anekdotaro).Translations from Various Languages: Jupitero kaj Ĉevalo (El Unua Legolibro de Kabe).Translations from Various Languages: La Homa Korpo kaj la Sentoj (El Serba Esperantisto).Translations from Various Languages: Antaŭfabelo (El Fabeloj al Helenjo).Translations from Various Languages: Edziniĝo de Ratino (El Japanaj Rakontoj).Translations from Various Languages: Infana Versaĵo.Translations from Various Languages: La Domo de Ĵak.Translations from Various Languages: Ezopa Fabelo.Translations from Various Languages: Proverboj.Translations from Various Languages: Lizi, Elze, Elizabet.Translations from Various Languages: Ventega Nokto (El Nord-germanaj Rakontoj).Translations from Various Languages: En Pirin (El Bulgaraj Rakontoj).Translations from Various Languages: Somera Pluvado (El Prozo el Danaj-Norvegaj Aŭtoroj).Translations from Various Languages: Kion ne komprenas la hirundoj kaj papilioj (El Pola Antologio).Translations from Various Languages: Printempo Venos (A. Naumann).Translations from Various Languages: La Vojo (L. L. Zamenhof).Translations from Various Languages: El la Parolo de D-ro L. L. Zamenhof en la Guildhall, Urbo Londono. La 21an de Aŭgusto, 1907.
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