Mince Pie is a compilation of humorous sketches, poetry, and essays written by Christopher Morley. Morley sets the tone in the preface: "If one asks what excuse there can be for prolonging the existence of these trifles, my answer is that there is no excuse. But a copy on the bedside shelf may possibly pave the way to easy slumber. Only a mind "debauched by learning" (in Doctor Johnson's phrase) will scrutinize them too anxiously." (Summary from preface and by lubee930)
00 - Instructions01 - On Filling an Ink-Well02 - Old Thoughts for Christmas03 - Christmas Cards04 - On Unanswering Letters05 - A Letter to Father Time06 - What Men Live By07 - The Unnatural Naturalist08 - Sitting in the Barber's Chair09 - Brown Eyes and Equinoxes10 - 163 Innocent Old Men11 - A Tragic Smell in Marathon12 - Bullied by the Birds13 - A Message for Boonville14 - Making Marathon Safe for the Urchin15 - The Smell of Smells16 - A Japanese Bachelor17 - Two Days We Celebrate18 - The Urchin at the Zoo19 - Fellow Craftsmen20 - The Key Ring21 - 'Owd Bob' - Chapter 1 - Introduces Our Hero22 - 'Owd Bob' - Chapter 2 - Our Hero Begins a Career23 - 'Owd Bob' - Chapter 3 - In Which Our Hero Darts Off at a Tangent24 - 'Owd Bob' - Chapter 4 - Our Hero's Book and Heart Shall Never Part25 - 'Owd Bob' - Chapter 5 - Further Oscillations of Our Hero26 - 'Owd Bob' - Chapter 6 - Our Hero Finds a Steady Job27 - The Apple That No One Ate28 - As To Rumors29 - Our Mothers30 - Greeting to American Anglers31 - Mrs. Izaak Walton Writes a Letter to Her Mother32 - Truth33 - The Tragedy of Washington Square34 - If Mr. Wilson Were the Weather Man35 - Syntax for Cynics: A Grammar of the Feminine Language36 - The Truth at Last: An Extract From Martha Washington's Diary37 - Fixed Ideas38 - Trials of a President Traveling Abroad39 - Diary of a Publisher's Office Boy40 - The Dog's Commandments41 - The Value of Criticism42 - A Marriage Service for Commuters43 - The Sunny Side of Grub Street44 - Burial Service for a Newspaper Joke45 - Advice to Those Visiting a Baby46 - Abou Ben Woodrow47 - My Magnificent System48 - Letters to Cynthia 1: In Praise of Boobs49 - Letters to Cynthia 2: Simplification50 - To An Unknown Damsel51 - Thoughts on Setting an Alarm Clock52 - Songs in a Shower Bath: Hot Water and Cold Water53 - On Dedicating a New Teapot54 - The Unforgivable Syntax55 - Visiting Poets56 - A Good Home in the Suburbs57 - Walt Whitman Miniatures, Part 158 - Walt Whitman Miniatures, Part 259 - Walt Whitman Miniatures, Part 360 - On Doors
Mince Pie - Christopher Morley - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/