Audio Books » Poetry » Chimneysmoke - Christopher Morley
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Chimneysmoke - Christopher Morley

A collection of short poems on various themes by the author. (Summary by Carmen H)
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001 - To The Little House002 - A Grace Before Writing003 - Dedication for a Fireplace004 - Taking Title005 - The Secret006 - Only a Matter of Time007 - At the Mermaid Cafeteria008 - Our House009 - On Naming a House010 - A Halloween Memory011 - Refusing You Immortality012 - Bayberry Candles013 - Secret Laughter014 - Six Weeks Old015 - A Charm016 - My Pipe017 - The 5:42018 - Peter Pan019 - In Honor of Taffy Topaz020 - The Cedar Chest021 - Reading Aloud022 - Animal Crackers023 - The Milkman024 - Light Verse025 - The Furnace026 - Washing the Dishes027 - The Church of Unbent Knees028 - Elegy Written in a Country Coal-bin029 - The Old Swimmer030 - The Moon-Sheep031 - Smells032 - Smells (Junior)033 - Mar Quong, Chinese Laundryman034 - The Fat Little Purse035 - The Reflection036 - The Balloon Peddler037 - Lines for an Eccentric's Book Plate038 - To a Post-Office Inkwell039 - The Crib040 - The Poet041 - To a Discarded Mirror042 - To a Child043 - To a Very Young Gentleman044 - To an Old-Fashioned Poet045 - Burning Leaves in Spring046 - Burning Leaves, November047 - A Valentine Game048 - For a Birthday049 - Keats050 - To H.F.M., A Sonnet in Sunlight051 - Quickening052 - At a Window Sill053 - The River of Light054 - Of Her Glorious Madness055 - In an Auction Room056 - Epitaph for a Poet Who Wrote No Poetry057 - Sonnet By a Geometer058 - To a Vaudeville Terrier059 - To An Old Friend060 - To a Burlesque Soubrette061 - Thoughts While Packing a Trunk062 - Streets063 - To The Only Begetter064 - Pedometer065 - Hostages066 - Ars Dura067 - O. Henry - Apothecary068 - For the Centenary of Keats's Sonnet069 - Two O'Clock070 - The Commercial Traveller071 - The Wedded Lover072 - To You, Remembering the Past073 - Charles and Mary074 - To A Grandmother075 - Diarists076 - The Last Sonnet077 - The Savage078 - St. Paul's and Woolworth079 - Advice to a City080 - The Telephone Directory081 - Green Escape082 - Vesper Song for Commuters083 - The Ice Wagon084 - At a Movie Theatre085 - Sonnets in a Lodging House086 - The Man with the Hoe (Press)087 - Do You Ever Feel Like God?088 - Rapid Transit089 - Caught in the Undertow090 - To His Brown-Eyed mistress091 - Peace092 - Song, In Deprecation of Pulchritude093 - Mounted Police094 - To His Mistress, Deploring That He Is Not a Elizabethan Galaxy095 - The Intruder096 - Tit for Tat097 - Song for a Little House098 - The Plumpuppets099 - Dandy Dandelion100 - The High Chair101- Love at First Sight102 - Autumn Colors103 - The Last Cricket104 - To Louise105 - Christmas Eve106 - Epitaph on the Proofreader of the Encyclopedia Britannica107 - The Music Box108 - To Luath109 - Thoughts on Reaching Land110 - A Symposium111 - To a Telephone Operator Who Has a Bad Cold112 - Nursery Rhymes for the Tender-Hearted113 - The Twins114 - A Printer's Madrigal115 - The Poet on the Hearth116 - O Praise Me Not The Country117 - A Stone in St. Paul's Graveyard118 - The Madonna of the Curb119 - The Island120 - Sunday Night121 - England, July, 1913122 - Casualty123 - A Grub Street Recessional124 - Preliminary Instructions for a Funeral Service
Chimneysmoke - Christopher Morley - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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