Historical Fiction - a genre of audiobooks on the website knigi-audio.com/en/. Page - 11
Saxon and Norman - Amice MACDONELL

Saxon and Norman - Amice MACDONELL
- Author: Amice MACDONELL
- Genre: Historical Fiction / General / Drama
Edward the Confessor is very weak and will die soon. But with no son to succeed him, who will gain the throne? The common folk and loyal Saxon barons in England want Harold, while the Norman barons and the people in Normandy, France want Duke...
The Boy Scouts in Front of Warsaw; Or, In the Wake of War - George Durston

The Boy Scouts in Front of Warsaw; Or, In the Wake of War - George Durston
- Author: George Durston
- Genre: Historical Fiction / Action & Adventure
The boy scouts are at it again! The war in Warsaw, Poland was devastating and led to many broken families. When the beloved children of the royal family under the charge of an American professor are kidnaped, the boy scouts, stop at nothing until...
Cleopatra - Georg EBERS

Cleopatra - Georg EBERS
- Author: Georg EBERS
- Genre: Historical Fiction
The world knows the fate of the classic lovers Cleopatra and Mark Antony, so there is no need to announce a spoiler alert. Georg Ebers was a German Egyptologist who deftly applied his comprehensive knowledge of Rome and Egypt into a fictionalized...
The World’s Story Volume V: Italy, France, Spain and Portugal - Eva March Tappan

The World’s Story Volume V: Italy, France, Spain and Portugal - Eva March Tappan
- Author: Eva March Tappan
- Genre: Historical Fiction / War & Military Fiction / War & Military
This is the fifth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a...
Windsor Castle, Book 1 - William Harrison Ainsworth

Windsor Castle, Book 1 - William Harrison Ainsworth
- Author: William Harrison Ainsworth
- Genre: Horror & Supernatural Fiction / Historical Fiction
Book 1 - Anne Boleyn. The focus of the novels is on the events surrounding Henry VIII's replacing Catherine of Aragon with Anne Boleyn as his wife. During Henry's pursuit of Boleyn, the novel describes other couples, including the Earl of Surrey and...
The New Republic; or Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House - William Hurrell MALLOCK

The New Republic; or Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House - William Hurrell MALLOCK
- Author: William Hurrell MALLOCK
- Genre: Historical Fiction / Satire
A group of upper class men and women gather together in an English country house to discuss their ideas for a utopia (their "New Republic"). The novel is a satire mocking most of the important figures at Oxford University at the time of publication,...
How a Fisherman Corked up His Foe in a Jar - Guy Wetmore Carryl

How a Fisherman Corked up His Foe in a Jar - Guy Wetmore Carryl
- Author: Guy Wetmore Carryl
- Genre: Historical Fiction / Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry)
LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 recordings of How a Fisherman Corked up His Foe in a Jar by Guy Wetmore Carryl. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project fo September 22, 2013. Guy Wetmore Carryl was an American humorist and poet. Some of his better...
The Story of Ab - Stanley WATERLOO

The Story of Ab - Stanley WATERLOO
- Author: Stanley WATERLOO
- Genre: Historical Fiction
This is the story of Ab, a man of the Age of Stone, who lived so long ago that we cannot closely fix the date, and who loved and fought well. (Summary from the introduction)...
The Gray Mills of Farley - Sarah Orne Jewett

The Gray Mills of Farley - Sarah Orne Jewett
- Author: Sarah Orne Jewett
- Genre: Historical Fiction / *Non-fiction / Political Science
As contemporary today as it was over a century ago, this relatively unsentimental tale of labor relations still packs a punch. (Summary by BellonaTimes)...
His Masterpiece - Émile Zola

His Masterpiece - Émile Zola
- Author: Émile Zola
- Genre: Historical Fiction
“His Masterpiece" (“L’Oeuvre”) is a fictionalized account of the Parisian art world in the mid 19th century, and the emerging Realism, Naturalism and Impressionism movements. Emile Zola and Paul Cezanne had been friends from childhood, and the main...
The World’s Story Volume IV: Greece and Rome - Eva March Tappan

The World’s Story Volume IV: Greece and Rome - Eva March Tappan
- Author: Eva March Tappan
- Genre: Historical Fiction / Poetry / War & Military Fiction
This is the fourth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a...
Treasure Island (version 5) - Robert Louis Stevenson

Treasure Island (version 5) - Robert Louis Stevenson
- Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
- Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / Historical Fiction / Nautical & Marine Fiction
Treasure Island is an adventure novel narrating a tale of "buccaneers and buried gold". Traditionally considered a coming-of-age story, Treasure Island is a tale noted for its atmosphere, characters and action, and also as a wry commentary on the...
The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / General Fiction / Historical Fiction
The story is set in 13th century England and concerns the fictitious outlaw Norman of Torn, who purportedly harried the country during the power struggle between King Henry III and Simon de Montfort. Norman is the supposed son of the Frenchman de...
The Wild Olive - Basil KING

The Wild Olive - Basil KING
- Author: Basil KING
- Genre: Historical Fiction
Norrie Ford, having been unfairly convicted of murder, has escaped. A lucky chance finds him being rescued by a mysterious girl (the Wild Olive of the title), who sets him up with a new life under a new name in Argentina. He makes such a success of...
The Deluge Volume 1 - Henryk SIENKIEWICZ

The Deluge Volume 1 - Henryk SIENKIEWICZ
- Author: Henryk SIENKIEWICZ
- Genre: Historical Fiction
The Deluge (Polish: Potop) is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1886. It is the second volume of a three-volume series known to Poles as "the Trilogy," having been preceded by With Fire and Sword (Ogniem i...
With Moore at Corunna - G. A. Henty

With Moore at Corunna - G. A. Henty
- Author: G. A. Henty
- Genre: Historical Fiction
Terrence O’Conner, Son of an officer in the “Mayo Fusiliers,” joins as an ensign when the regiment is called out to Portugal to fight the French in the Peninsular War. Terrence quickly distinguishes himself in early battles and is with Sir John...
To Have And To Hold - Mary JOHNSTON

To Have And To Hold - Mary JOHNSTON
- Author: Mary JOHNSTON
- Genre: General Fiction / Historical Fiction
When I first started reading this book, I thought it to be a historical romance novel. As I read further, I pondered whether it might be a sea-faring story. Reading still further, I determined it to be an adventure story. Alas, it is all three. To...
Conjuror's House, a Romance of the Free Forest - Stewart Edward White

Conjuror's House, a Romance of the Free Forest - Stewart Edward White
- Author: Stewart Edward White
- Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / Historical Fiction
In the northern outreaches of the Canadian wilderness, it was understood that the Hudson Bay Company governed all trading, and one factor named Galen Albret took his position seriously. Free traders, or those who dared try to do their trading...
A Vital Question, or, What is to be Done? - Nikolai CHERNYSHEVSKY

A Vital Question, or, What is to be Done? - Nikolai CHERNYSHEVSKY
- Author: Nikolai CHERNYSHEVSKY
- Genre: Historical Fiction / Literary Fiction / Suspense / Espionage / Political & Thrillers
Despised by Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, What Is To Be Done? is a fascinating, sympathetic story of idealistic revolutionaries in mid-nineteenth century tsarist Russia; translator Nathan Haskell Dole affirms in his preface his conviction that it is a...
The Laughing Cavalier; Ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy

The Laughing Cavalier; Ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy
- Author: Baroness Orczy
- Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / Historical Fiction
The enigmatic smile of The Laughing Cavalier of Franz Hals' famous painting invites you to wonder just what mischievousness hides behind that face. In this novel, inspired by the painting, Baroness Orczy recounts the adventures of an ancestor of her...