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The World’s Story Volume IV: Greece and Rome - Eva March Tappan Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The World’s Story Volume IV: Greece and Rome - Eva March Tappan

This is the fourth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century. Topics in Part IV include Greek mythology, the classical Greek period and the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. - Summary by Sonia
Cast list for The sacrifice of Iphigenia:
Iphigenia: Devorah Allen / Chorus: alanmapstone / Messenger: Foon / Clytemnestra: Monika M.C. / Agamemnon: Tomas Peter / Narrator: Sonia

Cast list for The bout between the poets:
Dionysus: alanmapstone / Aeschylus: TJ Burns / Chorus: Monika M.C. / Euripides: Tomas Peter / Voice: Foon / Pluto: Nemo / Narrator: Sonia

Cast list for The sale of the philosophers:
Jupiter: alanmapstone / Mercury: Tomas Peter / First Customer: TJ Burns / Pythagoras: Foon / Second Customer: Sandra Schmit / Diogenes: Son of the Exiles / Third Customer: Angelique G. Campbell / Fourth Customer: Monika M.C. / Democritus: Jim Locke / Heraclitus: Devorah Allen / Socrates: Roger Melin / Fifth Customer: April6090 / Sixth Customer: Craig Franklin / Seventh Customer: ToddHW / Chrysippus: Larry Wilson / Eighth Customer: SaraHale / Ninth Customer: Eva Davis / Pyrrho: Nemo/ Narrator: Sonia

Cast list for At the funeral of Caesar:
First Citizen: alanmapstone / Second Citizen: Monika M.C. / Third Citizen: Foon / Fourth Citizen: TJ Burns / Brutus: Nemo / Antony: Tomas Peter / Narrator: Sonia
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The last token, painting, frontispieceGreece Part I: Stories from Greek literature: Historical noteThe story of Oedipus, by Sophocles, retold by Rev. G. W. CoxThe sacrifice of Iphigenia, by EuripidesThe deification of Homer, painting p. 22Princess Nausicaa and the shipwrecked sailor, by HomerThe meeting between Odysseus and his father, by HomerGreece Part II: Life in Early Greece: Historical noteHow the Spartan boys were trained (about the ninth century B.C.), by PlutarchSolon, who made laws for the Athenians (639-559 B.C.), by Eva March TappanAt the Olympian Games (after the eighth century B.C.), by Charles DiehlThe chariot race (after the eighth century B.C.), by SophoclesGreek girls playing ball, painting p. 75Ode on a Grecian urn, by John KeatsGreece Part III: War with Persia: Historical noteThe battle of Marathon (490 B.C.), by E. S. CreasyThe Lemnian: a story of Thermopylae (480 B.C.), by John BuchanHow Themistocles brought about the battle of Salamis (480 B.C.) by PlutarchGreece Part IV: The Golden Age of Athens: Historical notePericles and his age (465-429 B.C.) by Eva March TappanA religious procession in honor of Apollo, painting p. 128In the temple of Aphrodite, by Ernst EcksteinThe bout between the poets (405 B.C.) by AristophanesThe siege of Plataea (427 B.C.) by ThucydidesWhen the ten thousand came to sea (400 B.C.) by XenophonThe death of Socrates (399 B.C.) by PlatoGreece Part V: Macedonian supremacy: Historical noteDanger from Macedonia (348 B.C.) by DemosthenesAlexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) by PlutarchIn the studio of Apelles (4th century B.C.) by Henry GreenoughThe death of Alexander the Great, painting p. 204Greece Part VI: From the Roman conquest to the nineteenth century: Historical noteThe sale of the philosophers (second century A.D.) by LucianMarco Bozzaris (1823), by Fitz-Greene HalleckThe Isles of Greece, by Lord ByronRome Part I: History and legend: Historical noteFuneral games in honor of Anchises, by Virgil, from translation of Christopher Pearse CranchThe arrival of Aeneas in Italy, by Virgil, from translation of Christopher Pearse CranchHow Rome was founded (753 B.C. ?), by Jacob AbbottThe contest between the Horatii and the Curiatii (about 650 B.C. ?), by LivyBrutus condemning his sons to death, painting p. 268Horatius (508 B.C. ?), by Thomas Babington MacaulayHow the Plebeians won their rights, by Eva March TappanRome Part II: Stories of the Italian wars: Historical noteWhen Coriolanus spared Rome (490 B.C. ?), by Thomas ArnoldHow Cincinnatus saved the consul (455 B.C.), by Thomas ArnoldThe fall of Veii (396 B.C.) by Thomas ArnoldThe geese that saved the Capitol (364 B.C.) by Thomas ArnoldRome Part III: Rome becomes mistress of the world: Historical noteThe Romans of the Early Republic and their ways, by Eva March TappanHow Hannibal made his way to Italy (218 B.C.), by LivyHannibal crossing the Rhone, painting p. 336How Archimedes defended Syracuse (212 B.C.), by LivyMarius to the Roman people (106 B.C.), by SallustSpartacus to the gladiators (73 B.C.), by Elijah KelloggOn the death of Lesbia's sparrow, by CatullusRome Part IV: Julius Caesar: Historical noteCicero denouncing Catiline in the Roman senate, painting p. 368When Caesar crossed the Rubicon (49 B.C.), by PlutarchCaesar at the height of his power (48-44 B.C.), by PlutarchThe assassination of Caesar (44 B.C.) by James Anthony FroudeAt the funeral of Caesar (44 B.C.) by William ShakespeareRome Part V: The Augustan Age: Historical noteAugustus, the shrewd young emperor (emperor 31 B.C.-14 A.D.), by Eva March TappanThe letter of a Roman university student (44 B.C.), by Cicero the YoungerA Roman bore, by HoraceWhy Ovid was banished (10 A.D.), by Maurice BaringRome Part VI: Rome under the Caesars: Historical noteThe fall of Sejanus (27 A.D.) by S. Baring-GouldIn the time of Nero, painting p. 430The emperor Nero on the stage (67 A.D.) by S. Baring-GouldThe destruction of Pompeii (79 A.D.) by Sir Edward Bulwer LyttonA visit to Pompeii (nineteenth century) by Charles DickensHow to treat the Christians (112 A.D.) a letter of Pliny the Younger to the emperor Trajan, and the emperor's replyRome Part VII: How the Romans amused themselves: Historical note''Pollice verso'' (''Thumbs down''), painting p. 460The dying gladiator, by Lord ByronThe Christian martyrs in the arena (64 A.D.) by Henryk SienkiewiczA Roman banquet, by W. A. Becker, adapted from PetroniusThe country house of Pliny the Younger (end of the first century A.D.), described by himself''Ave Caesar'' (''Hail, Caesar''), painting p. 490The winning of the first missus (about 391 A.D.) by Georg EbersRome Part VIII: The grandeur that was Rome: Historical noteMarcus Aurelius, the philosopher emperor (121-180 A.D.), by Eva March TappanQueen Zenobia and the Roman ambassadors (273 A.D.), by William WareThe Roman roads, by J. R. S. SterrettConstantine the Great (born about 270 A.D. Emperor, 306-337), by Eva March TappanRome Part IX: The coming of the Barbarians: Historical noteRome pays ransom to Alaric the Goth (409 A.D.), by Wilkie CollinsHuns pillaging a French villa, painting p. 540How the empire was saved from the Huns (451 A.D.), by Sir Edward Shepherd CreasyPeace with the Goths or war ? (535 A.D.), by Felix DahnJustinian in council, painting p. 548Belisarius (505-564 A.D.), by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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