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The Traitor - Thomas Dixon, Jr.

Dixon lived through Reconstruction, and believed it ranked with the French Revolution in brutality and criminal acts. The Traitor (1907), the final book in his trilogy which also includes The Leopard’s Spots (1902), and The Clansman (1905), spans a two-year period just after Reconstruction (1870-1872), and covers the decline of the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina. Dixon, whose father was an early Klan leader, maintained that the original Klan, the “reconstruction Klan” was morally formed in desperation to protect the people from lawlessness, address Yankee brutality, and save southern civilization. Now, in this final installment, he portrays how and why the later Klan falls into disrepute. The story includes folk legends, haunted houses, secret passageways, and spectral apparitions as part of its complicated story, weaving fact, fiction and romance in typical Dixon style.

While defamed as a white supremacist by today’s multi-cultural society, thus falling far out of favor, Dixon was one of the most popular American writers of the period, faithfully depicting the wide range of racial/cultural opinions of 19th century America. (Summary by Michele Fry)
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1.1 The Threat1.2 Mr. Hoyle Receives a Shock1.3 A Blow is Struck1.4 The Old Code1.5 Graham vs. Butler1.6 Scalawag and Carpetbagger1.7 The Reign of Folly.....1.8 The Masqueraders1.9 A Counter Stroke1.10 The Strength of the Weak1.11 Through the Secret Panel2.1 Stella's Resolution2.2 Weighed and Found Wanting2.3 The Trap is Set2.4 Ackerman Secures a Pledge2.5 In the Toils2.6 The Train for the North2.7 The Daughter of Eve2.8 The Tracks at the Door2.9 A Test of Strength2.10 Behind Bolted Doors2.11 A Voice in Warning2.12 The Trap is Sprung2.13 For Love's Sake2.14 The Judgment Hall of Fate3.1 The Arrest3.2 Through Prison Bars3.3 A Woman's Way3.4 The Hon. Stephen Hoyle3.5 Ackerman Cornered3.6 Through Deep Waters3.7 The Prisoner at the Bar3.8 The Ministry of Angels3.9 The Day of Atonement3.10 Under Bright Skies
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