The first in a trilogy of the Reconstruction era - The Leopard's Spots (1902), The Clansman (1905), and The Traitor (1907), parts of this novel were incorporated in the 1915 silent movie classic, "The Birth Of A Nation". Set in North Carolina, the book explores the extreme social and racial tensions of the period as Confederates attempt to fight off "reconstructionist" policy, rebuild the war-torn South's economy, and grapple with the rampant "race question" of the day, whether the black and white races can ever live side by side as equals, i.e., whether a leopard can change its spots? Characters include the villainous Reconstruction leader, Simon Legree (the same vile slave holder from Harriett Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, only many years later); Charles Gaston, a young southern gentleman who dreams of true love and the governor's mansion; Sallie Worth, sweet obedient daughter of southern aristocracy. A colorful assortment of preachers, carpetbaggers, scallywags, farmers, Ku Klux Klan members, and newly emancipated negroes help round out the cast. (Summary by Michele T. Fry)
Historical Note1.1 - A Hero Returns1.2 - A Light Shining In Darkness1.3 - Deepening Shadows1.4 - Mr. Lincoln's Dream1.5 - The Old and the New Church1.6 - The Preacher and the Woman of Boston1.7 - The Heart of a Child1.8 - An Experiment in Matrimony1.9 - A Master of Men1.10 - The Man or Brute in Embryo1.11 - Simon Legree1.12 - Red Snow Drops1.13 - Dick1.14 - The Negro Uprising1.15 - The New Citizen King1.16 - Legree Speaker of the House1.17 - The Second Reign of Terror1.18 - The Red Flag of the Auctioneer1.19 - The Rally of the Clansmen1.20 - How Civilization Was Saved1.21 - The Old and the New Negro1.22 - The Danger of Playing with Fire1.23 - The Birth of a Scalawag1.24 - A Modern Miracle2.1 - Blue Eyes and Black Hair2.2 - The Voice of the Tempter2.3 - Flora2.4 - The One Woman2.5 - The Morning of Love2.6 - Beside Beautiful Waters2.7 - Dreams and Fears2.8 - The Unsolved Riddle2.9 - The Rhythm of the Dance2.10 - The Heart of a Villain2.11 - The Old, Old Story2.12 - The Music of the Mills2.13 - The First Kiss2.14 - A Mysterious Letter2.15 - A Blow in the Dark2.16 - The Mystery of Pain2.17 - Is God Omnipotent?2.18 - The Ways of Boston2.19 - The Shadow of a Doubt2.20 - A New Lesson in Love2.21 - Why the Preacher Threw His Life Away2.22 - The Flesh and the Spirit3.1 - A Growl Beneath the Earth3.2 - Face to Face with Fate3.3 - A White Lie3.4 - The Unspoken Terror3.5 - A Thousand-Legged Beast3.6 - The Black Peril3.7 - Equality With a Reservation3.8 - The New Simon Legree3.9 - The New America3.10 - Another Declaration of Independence3.11 - The Heart of a Woman3.12 - The Splendour of Shameless Love3.13 - A Speech That Made History3.14 - The Red Shirts3.15 - The Higher Law3.16 - The End of a Modern Villain3.17 - Wedding Bells in the Governor's Mansion
The Leopard's Spots - Thomas Dixon, Jr. - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at