Eunice and Helena are sisters brought up by their father, the Reverend Abel Gracedieu. They grow up quietly and happily, until some dark secrets about their past come to light. One of the daughters is adopted: her mother was executed for murdering her husband. When the murdered husband's mistress and brother both enter the picture, a series of events is set into motion to finally reveal the truth. Which of the two young women must confront her difficult heritage? - Summary by Carolin
Chapter I - The Governor ExplainsChapter II - The Murderess Asks QuestionsChapter III - The Child AppearsChapter IV - The Minister Says YesChapter V - Miss Chance Asserts HerselfChapter VI - The Doctor DoubtsChapter VII - The Murderess Consults the AuthoritiesChapter VIII - The Minister Says Good-ByChapter IX - The Governor Receives a VisitChapter X - Miss Chance ReappearsChapter XI - Helena's DiaryChapter XII - Eunice's DiaryChapter XIII - Eunice's DiaryChapter XIV - Helena's DiaryChapter XV - Helena's DiaryChapter XVI - Helena's DiaryChapter XVII - Helena's DiaryChapter XVIII - Eunice's DiaryChapter XIX - Eunice's DiaryChapter XX - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXI - Helena's DiaryChapter XXII - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXIII - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXIV - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXV - Helena's DiaryChapter XXVI - Helena's DiaryChapter XXVII - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXVIII - Helena's DiaryChapter XXIX - Helena's DiaryChapter XXX - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXXI - Eunice's DiaryChapter XXXII - The Middle-Aged LadyChapter XXXIII - The Minister's MisfortuneChapter XXXIV - The Lively Old MaidChapter XXXV - The Future Looks GloomyChapter XXXVI - The Wandering MindChapter XXXVII - The Shameless SisterChapter XXXVIII - The Girls' AgesChapter XXXIX - The Adopted ChildChapter XL - The Bruised HeartChapter XLI - The Whispering VoiceChapter XLII - The Quaint PhilosopherChapter XLIII - The Masterful MasseuseChapter XLIV - The Resurrection of the PastChapter XLV - The Fatal PortraitChapter XLVI - The Cumbersome LadiesChapter XLVII - The Journey to the FarmChapter XLVIII - The Decision of EuniceChapter XLIX - The Governor on His GuardChapter L - The News from the FarmChapter LI - The Triumph of Mrs. TenbruggenChapter LII - Helena's Diary ResumedChapter LIII - Helena's Diary ResumedChapter LIV - Helena's Diary ResumedChapter LV - Helena's Diary ResumedChapter LVI - Helena's Diary ResumedChapter LVII - Helena's Diary ResumedChapter LVIII - DangerChapter LIX - DefenseChapter LX - DiscoveryChapter LXI - AtrocityChapter LXII - The Sentence PronouncedChapter LXIII - The Obstacle RemovedChapter LXIV - The Truth TriumphantPostscript
The Legacy of Cain - Wilkie Collins - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at