Blind Love, also published under the titles Iris and The Lord Harry is Wilkie Collins' last novel, completed after his death by Walter Besant. The blind love in the title refers to the love of Iris, a woman of virtue, for the morally corrupt Henry Norland. She loves him despite all his faults, but she also does not realize the full extent of them. As in many of Wilkie Collins' novels, this book also tackles difficult social problems. In this case, the Irish Question and women's rights bring another layer to the narrative. - Summary by Carolin.
PrefaceThe Prologue, I-IIIThe Prologue, IV-VIThe Prologue, VII-IXThe Prologue, X-XIChapter I - The Sour French WineChapter II - The Man She RefusedChapter III - The Registered PacketChapter IV - The Game: Mountjoy LosesChapter V - The Game: Mountjoy Plays a New CardChapter VI - The Game: Mountjoy WinsChapter VII - Doctoring the DoctorChapter VIII - Her Father's MessageChapter IX - Mr Vimpany on IntoxicationChapter X - The Mockery of DeceitChapter XI - Mrs. Vimpany's FarewellChapter XII - Lord Harry's DefenceChapter XIII - Iris at HomeChapter XIV - The Lady's MaidChapter XV - Mr. Henley's TemperChapter XVI - The Doctor in Full DressChapter XVII - On Hampstead HeathChapter XVIII - Professional AssistanceChapter XIX - Mr. Henley at HomeChapter XX - First Suspicion of IrisChapter XXI - The Parting SceneChapter XXII - The Fatal WordsChapter XXIII - News of IrisChapter XXIV - Lord Harry's HoneymoonChapter XXV - The Doctor in DifficultiesChapter XXVI - London and ParisChapter XXVII - The Bride at HomeChapter XXVIII - The Maid and the KeyholeChapter XXIX - The Conquest of Mr. VimpanyChapter XXX - Saxon and CeltChapter XXXI - The School for HusbandsChapter XXXII - Goodbye to IrisChapter XXXIII - The Decree of FateChapter XXXIV - My Lord's MindChapter XXXV - My Lady's MindChapter XXXVI - The Doctor Means MischiefChapter XXXVII - The First QuarrelChapter XXXVIII - Ici On Parle FrancaisChapter XXXIX - The Mystery of the HospitalChapter XL - Dire NecessityChapter XLI - The Man is FoundChapter XLII - The Mettlesome MaidChapter XLIII - Fiction: Attempted by My LordChapter XLIV - Fiction: Improved by the DoctorChapter XLV - Fact: Related by FannyChapter XLVI - Man and WifeChapter XLVII - The Patient and My LordChapter XLVIII - 'The Mistress and the Maid'Chapter XLIX - The Nurse is Sent AwayChapter L - In the AlcoveChapter LI - What Next?Chapter LII - The Dead Man's PhotographChapter LIII - The Wife's ReturnChapter LIV - Another StepChapter LV - The Adventures of a Faithful MaidChapter LVI - Fanny's NarrativeChapter LVII - At LouvainChapter LVIII - Of Course They Will PayChapter LIX - The Consequences of an AdvertisementChapter LX - On the Eve of a ChangeChapter LXI - The Last DiscoveryChapter LXII - The Board of DirectorsChapter LXIII - A RefugeChapter LXIV - The InvinciblesEpilogue
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