This 1870 novel by Wilkie Collins centers around a peculiarity of Scottish law of that time, according to which any man and woman 'who were legally entitled to marry and who asserted that they were married before witnesses, or in writing, were regarded in Scotland as being married in law.' This strange law causes the characters Arnold and Geoffrey both possibly accidentally marrying Anne, though one is engaged to another woman and the other is searching for a more wealthy wife to accomodate his lifestyle. In these circumstances, Anne needs to catch an actual husband in order to save her reputation... - Summary by Carolin and Wikipedia
Prologue - The Irish Marriage - Part the First, part 1Prologue - The Irish Marriage - Part the First, part 2Prologue - The Irish Marriage - Part the SecondFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the FirstFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the SecondFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the ThirdFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the FourthFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the FifthFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the SixthFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the SeventhFirst Scene - The Summer House - Chapter the EighthSecond Scene - The Inn - Chapter the NinthSecond Scene - The Inn - Chapter the TenthSecond Scene - The Inn - Chapter the EleventhSecond Scene - The Inn - Chapter the TwelfthSecond Scene - The Inn - Chapter the ThirteenthThird Scene - London - Chapter the FourteenthThird Scene - London - Chapter the FifteenthThird Scene - London - Chapter the SixteenthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the SeventeenthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the EighteenthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the NineteenthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the TwentiethFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-First, part 1Fourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-First, part 2Fourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-SecondFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-ThirdFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-FourthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-FifthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-SixthFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-SeventhFourth Scene - Windygates - Chapter the Twenty-EigthFifth Scene - Glasgow - Chapter the Twenty-NinthFifth Scene - Glasgow - Chapter the ThirtiethSixth Scene - Swanhaven Lodge - Chapter the Thirty-First, part 1Sixth Scene - Swanhaven Lodge - Chapter the Thirty-First, part 2Sixth Scene - Swanhaven Lodge - Chapter the Thirty-SecondSixth Scene - Swanhaven Lodge - Chapter the Thirty-ThirdSeventh Scene - Ham Farm - Chapter the Thirty-FourthSeventh Scene - Ham Farm - Chapter the Thirty-FifthSeventh Scene - Ham Farm - Chapter the Thirty-SixthSeventh Scene - Ham Farm - Chapter the Thirty-SeventhSeventh Scene - Ham Farm - Chapter the Thirty-EighthEighth Scene - The Pantry - Chapter the Thirty-NinthNinth Scene - The Music-Room - Chapter the Fourtieth, part 1Ninth Scene - The Music-Room - Chapter the Fortieth, part 2Tenth Scene - The Bedroom - Chapter the Forty-First, part 1Tenth Scene - The Bedroom - Chapter the Forty-First, part 2Eleventh Scene - Sir Patrick's house - Chapter the Forty-SecondEleventh Scene - Sir Patrick's house - Chapter the Forty-ThirdTwelfth Scene - Drury Lane - Chapter the Forty-FourthThirteenth Scene - Fulham - Chapter the Forty-FifthFourteenth Scene - Portland Place - Chapter the Forty-Sixth, part 1Fourteenth Scene - Portland Place - Chapter the Forty-Sixth, part 2Fifteenth Scene - Holchester House - Chapter the Forty-SeventhSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Forty-EighthSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Forty-NinthSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the FiftiethSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-FirstSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-SecondSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-ThirdSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-Fourth, part 1Sixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-Fourth, part 2Sixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-Fifth, part 1Sixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-Fifth, part 2Sixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-SixthSixteenth Scene - Salt Patch - Chapter the Fifty-SevenEpilogue
Man and Wife - Wilkie Collins - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at