Audio Books » Cooking » Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties - Janet McKenzie Hill
Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties - Janet McKenzie Hill Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties - Janet McKenzie Hill

There is positive need of more widespread knowledge of the principles of cookery. Few women know how to cook an egg or boil a potato properly, and the making of the perfect loaf of bread has long been assigned a place among the "lost arts."
By many women cooking is considered, at best, a homely art,—a necessary kind of drudgery; and the composition, if not the consumption, of salads and chafing-dish productions has been restricted, hitherto, chiefly to that half of the race "who cook to please themselves." But, since women have become anxious to compete with men in any and every walk of life, they, too, are desirous of becoming adepts in tossing up an appetizing salad or in stirring a creamy rarebit. And yet neither a pleasing salad, especially if it is to be composed of cooked materials, nor a tempting rarebit can be evolved, save by happy accident, without an accurate knowledge of the fundamental principles that underlie all cookery. - Summary by the Preface
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The PrefacesSalads - IntroductionHow to make Aromatic Vinegars, to keep Vegetables and to prepare GarnishesSalad DressingsVegetable Salads served with French DressingSalads, largely Vegetable, served with Mayonnaise, Cream or Boiled DressingFish Salads, part 1Fish Salads, part 2Various Compound SaladsFruit and Nut SaladsHow to prepare and use Aspic JellyCheese Dishes served with SaladsSandwichesSavory SandwichesSweet SandwichesBread and Chou PasteBeverages served with SandwichesChafing-dish Dainties - IntroductionOyster DishesLobster and other Sea FishCheese ConfectionsEggsDishes largely VegetarianRéchauffés and Olla-Podria
Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties - Janet McKenzie Hill - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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