Christianity - Other - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 16
The Angels' Song - Thomas Guthrie

The Angels' Song - Thomas Guthrie
- Author: Thomas Guthrie
- Genre: Christianity - Other
All of the earthly trappings of a royal birth were absent from the birth of Jesus, yet the angels filled the heavens with the song "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men." Join the angels around the manger to look in...
On Lying - Saint Augustine of Hippo

On Lying - Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Author: Saint Augustine of Hippo
- Genre: Christianity - Other
I have also written a Book on Lying, which though it takes some pains to understand, contains much that is useful for the exercise of the mind, and more that is profitable to morals, in inculcating the love of speaking the truth. This also I was...
The Life of Charles G. Finney - Aaron Merritt Hills

The Life of Charles G. Finney - Aaron Merritt Hills
- Author: Aaron Merritt Hills
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Christianity - Other
A.M. Hills, theologian and preacher in the Wesleyan holiness tradition, gives us a detailed biography of Charles G. Finney, one of the most influential revivalists of the nineteenth century. Charles G. Finney was a key figure in initiating the...
Mountains in the Mist - Frank W. Boreham

Mountains in the Mist - Frank W. Boreham
- Author: Frank W. Boreham
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a...
Darkness and Daylight; or, Lights and Shadows of New York Life - Lyman ABBOTT

Darkness and Daylight; or, Lights and Shadows of New York Life - Lyman ABBOTT
- Author: Lyman ABBOTT
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / True Crime / Christianity - Other
A Pictorial Record of Personal Experiences by Day and Night in the Great Metropolis, with hundreds of thrilling anecdotes and incidents, sketches of life and character, humorous stories, touching home scenes, and tales of tender pathos, drawn from...
Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII - Pope Leo XIII

Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII - Pope Leo XIII
- Author: Pope Leo XIII
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903) wrote eighty-eight Encyclicals during his twenty-five year pontificate (1878-1903). Fifty-six of those are included in this collection. Among the topics covered are the Rosary, socialism, Christian marriage, labour,...
Stories of the Bible, Volume 1: The People of the Chosen Land - Myles Endicott

Stories of the Bible, Volume 1: The People of the Chosen Land - Myles Endicott
- Author: Myles Endicott
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Brief Bible stories from the Old Testament, many accompanied by poems. - Summary by Larry Wilson...
Marriage: its ethic and religion - P. T. FORSYTH

Marriage: its ethic and religion - P. T. FORSYTH
- Author: P. T. FORSYTH
- Genre: Christianity - Other
The expansion of a lecture delivered in connection with the National Council of Public Morals (Note on inside cover)...
Divine Conduct, or the Mystery of Providence - John Flavel

Divine Conduct, or the Mystery of Providence - John Flavel
- Author: John Flavel
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Christianity - Other
Shows God's providence in every aspect of our lives. - Summary by RuthP...
Sowing and Reaping - Dwight L. Moody

Sowing and Reaping - Dwight L. Moody
- Author: Dwight L. Moody
- Genre: Christianity - Other
An exposition of the verse, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life...
Concerning Virgins (version 2) - Saint Ambrose

Concerning Virgins (version 2) - Saint Ambrose
- Author: Saint Ambrose
- Genre: Christianity - Other
The value of this work is not limited to virgins. For although the author, Saint Ambrose of Milan, wrote this for his sister, the nun, Saint Marcellina, my hope is that this recording will prove edifying to all who desire to serve the Lord Jesus...
Against Celsus Book 4 - Origen of Alexandria

Against Celsus Book 4 - Origen of Alexandria
- Author: Origen of Alexandria
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Christianity - Other
Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD, countering the writings of Celsus, a pagan philosopher and controversialist who had written a scathing...
Two Godly and Learned Sermons - John Calvin

Two Godly and Learned Sermons - John Calvin
- Author: John Calvin
- Genre: Christianity - Other
Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and worthy instrument in God's church, John Calvin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latin into English, by Robert Horne late Bishop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from...
Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325, Volume 2 - Alexander Roberts

Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325, Volume 2 - Alexander Roberts
- Author: Alexander Roberts
- Genre: Christianity - Other
This LibriVox collection is the second volume in a series of New Testament Apocrypha. - Summary by KevinS...
Prayers and Meditations - Samuel Johnson

Prayers and Meditations - Samuel Johnson
- Author: Samuel Johnson
- Genre: Literary Collections / Memoirs / Christianity - Other
The prayers and meditations of Samuel Johnson, published posthumously by George Strahan to whom Johnson had entrusted the manuscripts. Johnson had been writing these down for over forty years. They often show him at his most repentant, melancholy...
Christian Science - Mark Twain

Christian Science - Mark Twain
- Author: Mark Twain
- Genre: Essays & Short Works / Modern / Christianity - Other
Christian Science is a 1907 collection of essays Mark Twain wrote about Christian Science, beginning with an article that was published in Cosmopolitan in 1899. Although Twain was interested in mental healing and the ideas behind Christian Science,...
Natural Theology - William Paley

Natural Theology - William Paley
- Author: William Paley
- Genre: Nature / Christianity - Other / Life Sciences
In this early nineteenth-century classic, William Paley assesses how our understanding of nature reflects characteristics of its creator. First published in 1802, the book went through more than twenty editions, remains in print, and is still a...
Grandpa's Darlings - Pansy

Grandpa's Darlings - Pansy
- Author: Pansy
- Genre: Christian Fiction / Christianity - Other
Fiction, or fact? The narrator asserts it's fact. The narrator is an author, whom her little nieces call "Auntie Belle". There's also an "Auntie Dule" (proper name Julia), Grandpa and Grandma, Mama and Papa, and eventually an Uncle Ross (Isabella...
A Class-Book of Old Testament History - George Frederick Maclear

A Class-Book of Old Testament History - George Frederick Maclear
- Author: George Frederick Maclear
- Genre: Antiquity / Christianity - Other
This is classic book by scholar, educator, theologian and preacher George Frederick Maclear, headmaster of King's College School, London, and later warden of St. Augustine's Missionary College, Canterbury. Each short chapter is a nugget of events...
The Fundamentals Volume 1 - G. Campbell Morgan

The Fundamentals Volume 1 - G. Campbell Morgan
- Author: G. Campbell Morgan
- Genre: Christianity - Other
The Fundamentals: A Testimony To The Truth (generally referred to simply as The Fundamentals) is a set of ninety essays published between 1910 and 1915 by the Testimony Publishing Company of Chicago. According to its foreword, the publication was...