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A Class-Book of Old Testament History - George Frederick Maclear

This is classic book by scholar, educator, theologian and preacher George Frederick Maclear, headmaster of King's College School, London, and later warden of St. Augustine's Missionary College, Canterbury. Each short chapter is a nugget of events and persons of the Old Testament, giving a very accessible overview of history from the Earliest Times to those of Ezra and Nehemiah. (Summary by Larry Wilson)
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The CreationThe FallThe FloodThe Confusion of TonguesRise of Idolatry. The Patriarch Job.The Call of AbrahamLife of Abraham continuedThe History of IsaacLife of JacobHistory of JosephJacob’s Descent into Egypt, and Death of JosephNote: Survey of the Patriarchal AgeThe Birth and Call of MosesSigns and Wonders in EgyptThe Last Plague—The Passover—The ExodusThe Journey from the Red Sea to RephidimSinai and the Giving of the LawMoses in the Mount. The Construction of the Golden CalfThe TabernacleHistory of the TabernacleThe PriestsThe Sacrifices and OfferingsHoly Times and SeasonsThe Great Festivals—The Jewish CalendarNote: Laws of Purity, etc,Civil and Moral LawsKadesh-Barnea and the Mission of the SpiesThe Wanderings—Death of Miriam and AaronConquest of the East of Jordan—Balaam and BalakWar with the Midianites—Death of MosesNote: His Work and CharacterThe Passage of the Jordan, and Fall of JerichoConquest of the Southern and Central MountainsBattle of Merom, and Division of the LandEvents subsequent to the Death of JoshuaMicah and the Danites—The Tribal WarOthniel and Ehud, Deborah and BarakInvasion of the Midianites—GideonAbimelech and JephthahInvasion from the Southwest, SamsonEli and SamuelSamuel’s JudgeshipElection of the First KingThe Battle of MichmashSaul and the Amalekites—David and GoliathDavid’s Life as an OutlawDavid at Ziklag—Battle of Mount GilboaDavid’s Reign at HebronDavid’s Reign at JerusalemDavid’s Army, his Conquests, his SinThe Rebellion of AbsalomClose of David’s reignDavid’s Work and CharacterAccession of SolomonThe Building of the TempleSolomon’s reign continuedThe Revolt of the Ten TribesRehoboam and Abijah, Jeroboam and NadabAsa and Baasha, Elah, Zimri, OmriAccession of Ahab—Era of ElijahWars of Ahab and BenhadadMurder of Naboth—Battle of Ramoth GileadWars of Jehoshaphat. Translation of ElijahJehoshaphat and Jehoram—Era of ElishaElisha and Naaman—Siege of SamariaAccession of JehuAthaliah and Joash; Death of ElishaAmaziah and Jeroboam II.; Era of JonahDecline and Captivity of the Kingdom of IsraelReign of HezekiahReign of Manasseh—Reforms of JosiahDeath of Josiah—Captivity of JudahDuration, Relation, Contrasts of the Two KingdomsDaniel and NebuchadnezzarReigns of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and DariusRebuilding of the Temple—Esther and AhasuerusTimes of Ezra and Nehemiah—Close of Canon
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