This great work covers the history of the Christian dispensation, from the fall of Jerusalem, through the Dark Ages and Reformation, to the yet-future final triumph of Jesus over Satan. - Summary by Jael Baldwin
PrefaceIntroductionThe Destruction of JerusalemPersecution in the First CenturiesThe ApostasyThe WaldensesJohn WycliffeHuss and JeromeLuther's Separation From RomeLuther Before the DietThe Swiss ReformerProgress of Reform in GermanyProtest of the PrincesThe French ReformationThe Netherlands and ScandinaviaLater English ReformersThe Bible and the French RevolutionThe Pilgrim FathersHeralds of the MorningAn American ReformerLight Through DarknessA Great Religious AwakeningA Warning RejectedProphecies FulfilledWhat Is the Sanctuary?In the Holy of HoliesGod's Law ImmutableA Work of ReformModern RevivalsThe Investigative JudgementThe Origin of EvilEnmity Between Man and SatanAgency of Evil SpiritsSnares of SatanThe First Great DeceptionSpiritualismAims of the PapacyThe Impending ConflictThe Scriptures a SafeguardThe Final WarningThe Time of TroubleGod's People DeliveredDesolation of the EarthThe Controversy EndedAppendix
The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at