Ellen Gould White (1827 - 1915) was a prolific Christian writer, authoring 40 books in her lifetime. She was active in the Millerite movement, and was one of the principle founders of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The Desire of Ages, first published in 1898, tells the story of the life of Jesus Christ in loving detail. It is the third book in her five volume "Conflict of the Ages" series. (Summary by Donald Hines)
God With UsThe Chosen People''The Fullness of the Time''Unto You a SaviourThe Dedication''We Have Seen His Star''As a ChildThe Passover VisitDays of ConflictThe Voice in the WildernessThe BaptismThe TemptationThe Victory''We Have Found the Messias''At the Marriage FeastIn His TempleNicodemus''He Must Increase''At Jacob's Well''Except Ye See Signs and Wonders''Bethesda and the SanhedrinImprisonment and Death of John''The Kingdom of God is at Hand''''Is Not This the Carpenter's Son?''The Call by the SeaAt Capernaum''Thou Canst Make Me Clean''Levi-MatthewThe Sabbath''He Ordained Twelve''The Sermon on the MountThe CenturionWho Are My Brethren?The Invitation''Peace, Be Still''The Touch of FaithThe First EvangelistsCome Rest Awhile''Give Ye Them to Eat''A Night on the LakeThe Crisis in GalileeTraditionBarriers Broken DownThe True SignThe Foreshadowing of the CrossHe Was TransfiguredMinistryWho is the Greatest?At the Feast of TabernaclesAmong Snares''The Light of Life''The Divine ShepherdThe Last Journey From GalileeThe Good SamaritanNot With Outward ShowBlessing the Children''One Thing Thou Lackest''''Lazarus, Come Forth''Priestly PlottingsThe Law of the New KingdomZacchaeusThe Feast at Simon's House''Thy King Cometh''A Doomed PeopleThe Temple Cleansed AgainControversyWoes on the PhariseesIn the Outer CourtOn the Mount of Olives''The Least of These My Brethren''A Servant of Servants''In Remembrance of Me''''Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled''GethsemaneBefore Annas and the Court of CaiaphasJudasIn Pilate's Judgment HallCalvary''It is Finished''In Joseph's Tomb''The Lord is Risen''''Why Weepest Thou?''The Walk to Emmaus''Peace Be Unto You''By the Sea Once MoreGo Teach All Nations''My Father, and Your Father''
The Desire of Ages - Ellen G. White - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/