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The Virginians - William Makepeace Thackeray

It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington. Henry's romantic entanglements with an older woman lead up to his taking a commission in the British army and fighting under the command of General Wolfe at the capture of Quebec. On the outbreak of the American War of Independence he takes the revolutionary side. George, who is also a British officer, thereupon resigns his commission rather than take up arms against his brother. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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CHAPTER I. In which one of the Virginians visits homeCHAPTER II. In which Harry has to pay for his supperCHAPTER III. The Esmonds in VirginiaCHAPTER IV. In which Harry finds a New RelativeCHAPTER V. Family JarsCHAPTER VI. The Virginians begin to see the WorldCHAPTER VII. Preparations for WarCHAPTER VIII. In which George suffers from a Common DiseaseCHAPTER IX. HospitalitiesCHAPTER X. A Hot AfternoonCHAPTER XI. Wherein the two Georges prepare for BloodCHAPTER XII. News from the CampCHAPTER XIII. Profitless QuestCHAPTER XIV. Harry in EnglandCHAPTER XV. A Sunday at CastlewoodCHAPTER XVI. In which Gumbo shows Skill with the Old English WeaponCHAPTER XVII. On the ScentCHAPTER XVIII. An Old StoryCHAPTER XIX. Containing both Love and LuckCHAPTER XX. Facilis DescensusCHAPTER XXI. SamaritansCHAPTER XXII. In HospitalCHAPTER XXIII. HolidaysCHAPTER XXIV. From Oakhurst to TunbridgeCHAPTER XXV. New AcquaintancesCHAPTER XXVI. In which we are at a very Great Distance from OakhurstCHAPTER XXVII. Plenus Opus AleaeCHAPTER XXVIII. The Way of the WorldCHAPTER XXIX. In which Harry continues to enjoy Otium sine DignitateCHAPTER XXX. Contains a Letter to VirginiaCHAPTER XXXI. The Bear and the LeaderCHAPTER XXXII. In which a Family Coach is orderedCHAPTER XXXIII. Contains a Soliloquy by HesterCHAPTER XXXIV. In which Mr. Warrington treats the Company with Tea and a BallCHAPTER XXXV. EntanglementsCHAPTER XXXVI. Which seems to mean MischiefCHAPTER XXXVII. In which various Matches are foughtCHAPTER XXXVIII. Sampson and the PhilistinesCHAPTER XXXIX. Harry to the RescueCHAPTER XL. In which Harry pays off an Old Debt, and incurs some New OnesCHAPTER XLI. Rake's ProgressCHAPTER XLII. Fortunatus NimiumCHAPTER XLIII. In which Harry flies HighCHAPTER XLIV. Contains what might, perhaps, have been expectedCHAPTER XLV. In which Harry finds two UnclesCHAPTER XLVI. Chains and SlaveryCHAPTER XLVII. Visitors in TroubleCHAPTER XLVIII. An ApparitionCHAPTER XLIX. Friends in NeedCHAPTER L. Contains a Great deal of the Finest MoralityCHAPTER LI. Conticuere OmnesCHAPTER LII. Intentique Ora tenebantCHAPTER LIII. Where we remain at the Court End of the TownCHAPTER LIV. During which Harry sits smoking his Pipe at HomeCHAPTER LV. Between BrothersCHAPTER LVI. AriadneCHAPTER LVII. In which Mr. Harry's Nose continues to be put out of jointCHAPTER LVIII. Where we do what Cats may doCHAPTER LIX. In which we are treated to a PlayCHAPTER LX. Which treats of Macbeth, a Supper, and a Pretty Kettle ofCHAPTER LXI. In which the Prince marches up the Hill and down againCHAPTER LXII. Arma VirumqueCHAPTER LXIII. MelpomeneCHAPTER LXIV. In which Harry lives to fight another DayCHAPTER LXV. Soldier's ReturnCHAPTER LXVI. In which we go a-courtingCHAPTER LXVII. In which a Tragedy is acted, and two more are begunCHAPTER LXVIII. In which Harry goes westwardCHAPTER LXIX. A Little InnocentCHAPTER LXX. In which Cupid plays a Considerable PartCHAPTER LXXI. White FavoursCHAPTER LXXII. (From the Warrington MS.) In which My Lady is on the TopCHAPTER LXXIII. We keep Christmas at Castlewood. 1759CHAPTER LXXIV. News from CanadaCHAPTER LXXV. The Course of True LoveCHAPTER LXXVI. Informs us how Mr. Warrington jumped into a LandauCHAPTER LXXVII. And how everybody got out againCHAPTER LXXVIII. Pyramus and ThisbeCHAPTER LXXIX. Containing both Comedy and TragedyCHAPTER LXXX. PocahontasCHAPTER LXXXI. Res Angusta DomiCHAPTER LXXXII. Miles's MoidoreCHAPTER LXXXIII. Troubles and ConsolationsCHAPTER LXXXIV. In which Harry submits to the Common LotCHAPTER LXXXV. Inveni PortumCHAPTER LXXXVI. At HomeCHAPTER LXXXVII. The Last of God Save the KingCHAPTER LXXXVIII. Yankee Doodle comes to TownCHAPTER LXXXIX. A Colonel without a RegimentCHAPTER XC. In which we both fight and run awayCHAPTER XCI. Satis PugnaeCHAPTER XCII. Under Vine and Fig-Tree
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