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The 9/11 Commission Report - THE 9/11 COMMISSION

9/11 Commission Report, formally titled Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, is the official report of the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was prepared by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (informally sometimes known as the "9/11 Commission" or the "Kean/Zelikow Commission") at the request of the President of the United States and Congress.

The commission convened on November 26, 2002 (441 days after the attack) and their final report was issued on July 22, 2004

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Preface1. We Have Some Planes, 1.1 Inside the Four Flights1.2 Improvising a Homeland Defense1.3 National Crisis Management2.1 A Declaration of War2.2 Bin Ladin's Appeal in the Islamic World2.3 The Rise of Bin Ladin and al Qaeda2.4 Building an Organization2.5 Al Qaeda's Renewal in Afghanistan3. Counterterrorism Evolves, 3.1 From the Old Terrorism to the New3.2 Adaptation--and Nonadaptation--in the Law Enforcement Community3.3 ... and in the Federal Aviation Administration3.4 ... and in the Intelligence Community3.5 ... and in the State Department and the Defense Department3.6 ... and in the White House3.7 ... and in the Congress4.1 Before the Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania4.2 Crisis: August 19984.3 Diplomacy4.4 Covert Action4.5 Searching for Fresh Options5.1 Terrorist Entrepreneurs5.2 The "Planes Operation"5.3 The Hamburg Contingent5.4 A Money Trail?6. From Threat To Threat, 6.1 The Millennium Crisis6.2 Post-Crisis Reflection6.3 The Attack on the USS Cole6.4 Change and Continuity6.5 The New Administration's Approach7.1 First Arrivals in California7.2 The 9/11 Pilots in the United States7.3 Assembling the Teams7.4 Final Strategies and Tactics8.1 The Summer of Threat8.2 Late Leads9.1 Preparedness as of September 119.2 September 11, 2001 - part 19.2 September 11, 2001 - part 29.3 Emergency Response at the Pentagon9.4 Analysis10. Wartime, 10.1 Immediate Responses at Home10.2 Planning for War10.3 "Phase Two" and the Question of Iraq11. Foresight--and Hindsight, 11.1 Imagination11.2 Policy11.3 Capabilities11.4 Management12.1 Reflecting on a Generational Challenge12.2 Attack Terrorists and Their Organizations12.3 Prevent the Continued Growth of Islamist Terrorism12.4 Protect against and Prepare for Terrorist Attacks13. How To Do It?, 13.1 Unity of Effort across the Foreign-Domestic Divide13.2 Unity of Effort in the Intelligence Community13.3 Unity of Effort in Sharing Information13.4 Unity of Effort in the Congress13.5 Organizing America's Defenses
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