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A Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Language, Volume I - George Lillie Craik Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

A Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Language, Volume I - George Lillie Craik

The History of English Literature and Language may be recommended to the student as a guide always sure, and as satisfactory as its limits will admit, to the gathered harvest of a thousand years -- from ALFRED the Great to VICTORIA -- now existing in a language radically identical for the whole of that period, the common property of all who are born to its use, a personal endowment not to be limited by local accidents, but the rightful possession of those who "claim SHAKESPEARE's language for their mother tongue." As a writer, the principal characteristics of Mr. CRAIK are good sense and a command of ample information, derived usually from the original sources. He has not aimed a producing a brilliant book. From the number of topics necessary to be glanced at, much of it necessarily assumes the appearance of a brief catalogue; but the critical judgments of the writers, as they come under review, are unpretending and correct. - Summary from The New York Times, April 26, 1864.
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Preface1. Introductory. 1. Literature and Language. The Languages of Modern Europe1.2. Early Latin Literature in Britain1.3. The Celtic Languages and Literatures1.4. Decay of the Earliest English Scholarship1.5. The English Language1.6. Original English2. The Norman Period. 1. The Norman Conquest. Arabic and the New Learning2.2. Schools and Universities. Rise of the Scholastic Philosophy. John of Salisbury. Peter of Blois2.3. Classical Learning. Mathematics. Medicine. Law. Books. The Latin Language. The Latin Poets. Mapes, etc2.4. Latin Chroniclers. Ingulphus. William of Poitiers. Ordericus Vitalis. Gesta Stephani. William of Jumieges. Florence of Worcester. Matthew of Westminster. William of Malmesbury. Eadmer. Turgot and Simeon of Durham. John of Hexham and Richard of Hexham2.5. Ailred. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Alfred of Beverley. Giraldus Cambrensis. Henry of Huntingdon. Roger de Hoveden. William of Newburgh. Benedictus Abbas. Ralph de Diceto. Gervase of Canterbury. Vinsauf. Richard of Devises. Joscelin de Brakelonda. Monastic Registers. Law Treatises. Domesday Book. Public Rolls and Registers2.6. The French language in England. The Langue d'Oc and the Langue d'Oyl. Norman trouveurs. Duke Richard I. Thibaut de Vernon. Turold, or Theroulde. Chanson de Roland2.7. Anglo-Norman Poets. King Henry I. His Queens, Matilda and Alice. Philip de Than. Geoffrey, Abbot of St. Albans. Pilgrimage of Saint Brendan. Charlemagne. Anglo-Norman Chronicles. Gaimar. David. Wace. Benoït. Everard. French Language in Scotland2.8. Luc de la Barre. Guichard de Beaulieu. Arthurian Romance. The Saint Greal. Luc du Gast. Buron. Mapes. Roman du Roi Horn. Tristan or Tristrem. Guernes de Pont Sainte Maxence. Herman. Hugh of Rutland. Boson. Simon du Fresne. Cardinal Langton. King Richard Coeur-de-Lion2.9. Vernacular Language and Literature: A.D. 1066-12162.10. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Ascendancy of the Scholastic Philosophy. Mathematical and Other Studies. Roger Bacon. Robert Grosseteste. Alchemists. Universities and Colleges2.11. Latin Historical Works of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Use and Study of the Latin and Greek, the Hebrew and other Oriental Tongues. Last Age of the French Language in England2.12. Anglo-Norman Poets. French Prose Romances. Froissart. Resurrection of the English Language3. Second English. 1. St. Godric. The Here Prophecy3.2. The Brut of Layamon3.3. The Ormulum. The Ancren Riwle3.4. Metrical Legends. Land of Cokayne. Guldevord. Wille Gris. Early English Songs. Early English Metrical Romances. Publications of Percy, Warton, Tyrwhitt, Pinkerton, Herbert, Ritson, Ellis, Scott, Weber, Utterson, Laing, Hartshorne, The Boxburghe Club, The Bannatyne, The Maitland, The Abbotsford, The Camden Society3.5. History of the English Metrical Romance. Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester. Robert Mannyng, or De Brunne. Rolle, or Hampole. Davie. Lawrence Minot3.6. Alliterative Verse: Piers Ploughman. Piers Ploughman's Creed.4. Third English (mixed or compound English). 1. Geoffrey Chaucer, Part 14.2. Geoffrey Chaucer, Part 24.3. Geoffrey Chaucer, Part 34.4. Geoffrey Chaucer, Part 44.5. Geoffrey Chaucer, Part 54.6. John Gower4.7. Barbour4.8. Compound English Prose: Mandevil and Trevisa4.9. Compound English Prose: Wycliffe and Chaucer4.10. Literature and Learning in the Fifteenth Century Universities. Revival of Letters. Invention of Printing. Printing in England. Caxton. Books and Libraries4.11. Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester. Woodville, Earl Rivers. Science in England. Alchemists. Latin Chroniclers. French Chroniclers. English Chroniclers. Bishop Pecock. Fortescue. Malory4.12. English Poets. Occleve, Lydgate. Scottish Poets. Wynton, James I, Henryson, Holland, Blind Henry. First Half of the Sixteenth Century. Colleges Founded4.13. Classical Learning4.14. Prose Writers. More, Elyot, Tyndal, Cranmer, Latimer4.15. Scottish Prose Writers. English Poets: Hawes, Barklay. Skelton. Roy, John Heywood. Scottish Poets: Gawin Douglas, Dunbar, Lyndsay. Surrey, Wyatt4.16. The Elizabethan Literature. The Mirror for Magistrates. Origin of Regular Drama. Interludes of John Heywood. Udall's Ralph Roister Doister4.17. Gammer Gurton's Needle. Misogonus. Chronicle Histories. Bale's Kynge Johan, etc. Tragedy of Gorboduc. Blank Verse. Other Early Dramas. Second Stage of the Regular Drama. Peele, Greene4.18. Marlow. Lyly, Kid, Lodge. Earlier Elizabethan Prose. Lyly, Sidney, Spenser, Nash, etc. English Hexameter Verse4.19. Edmund Spenser, Part 14.20. Edmund Spenser, Part 24.21. Edmund Spenser, Part 34.22. Other Elizabethan Poetry. Warner4.23. Daniel. Drayton. Joseph Hall4.24. Sylvester. Chapman's Homer. Harington; Fairfax; Fanshawe. Drummond. Davies. Donne4.25. Shakespeare's Minor Poems. Shakespeare's Dramatic Works4.26. Chapman, Webster, Middleton, Decker, Chettle, Marston, Tailor, Tourneur, Rowley, Thomas Heywood. Beaumont and Fletcher. Jonson. Massinger, Ford4.27. Later Elizabethan Prose Writers. Translation of the Bible. Theological Writers. James I., Bishop Andrews, Donne, Hall, Hooker. Bacon. Burton. Historical Writers. Classical Learning
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