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The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier, Part 1 - Charles E. Flandrau Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier, Part 1 - Charles E. Flandrau

"It has been a little over fifty years since the organization of the Territory of Minnesota, which at its birth was a very small and unimportant creation, but which in its half century of growth has expanded into one of the most brilliant and promising stars upon the union of our flag; so that its history must cover every subject, moral, physical and social, that enters into the composition of a first-class progressive Western state, which presents a pretty extensive field; but there is also to be considered a period anterior to civilization, which may be called the aboriginal and legendary era, which abounds with interesting matter, and to the general reader is much more attractive than the prosy subjects of agriculture, finance and commerce.""Having lived in the state through nearly the whole period of Minnesota's political existence, and having taken part in most of the leading events in her history, both savage and civilized, I propose to treat the various subjects that compose her history in a narrative and colloquial manner that may not rise to the dignity of history, but which, I think, while giving facts, will not detract [2]from the interest or pleasure of the reader. If I should in the course of my narrative so far forget myself as to indulge in a joke, or relate an illustrative anecdote, the reader must put up with it." - Summary by Judge Charles E. Flandrau, from the Opening Statement
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Dedication; Author's Note; History of Minnesota by Judge Charles E. FlandrauLegendary and Aboriginal Era, Part 1Legendary and Aboriginal Era, Part 2Fort SnellingThe Selkirk SettlementGeorge Catlin; Featherstonehaugh; Schoolcraft and the Source of the Mississippi; Elevations in Minnesota; NicolletMissionsThe IndiansTerritorial PeriodEducation; The First Territorial GovernmentCourtsFirst Territorial LegislatureImmigrationThe Panic of 1857; Land Titles; The First NewspaperBanksThe Fur Trade; PemmicanTransportation and Express; LumberReligionRailroads, Part 1Railroads, Part 2; The First Railroad Actually BuiltThe Spirit Lake MassacreThe Constitutional ConventionAttempt to Remove the Capital; Census; Grasshoppers; MilitiaThe Wright County War; The Civil WarThe Third RegimentThe Indian War of 1862 and Following Years, Part 1The Indian War of 1862 and Following Years, Part 2The Attack on Fort Ridgely; Battle of New Ulm, Part 1Battle of New Ulm, Part 2Battle of Birch Coulie; Occurences in Meeker County and VicinityProtection of the Southern FrontierColonel Sibley Moves Upon the Enemy; The Battle of Wood LakeFort Ambercrombie; Camp ReleaseTrial of the IndiansExecution of the Thirty-Eight Condemned Indians; The Campaign of 1863; Battle of Big Mound; Battle of Dead Buffalo LakeBattle of Stony LakeCampaign of 1864A Long Period of Peace and Prosperity; Introduction of the New Process of Milling Wheat; The Discovery of IronCommerce through the St. Mary's Falls Canal; Agriculture; Dairying; The University of Minnesota and Its School of AgricultureThe Minnesota State Agricultural Society; The Minnesota Soldiers' Home; Other State Institutions; Minnesota Institute for Defectives; State School for Dependent and Neglected ChildrenThe Minnesota State Training School; Minnesota State Reformatory; The Minnesota State Prison; The Minnesota Historical Society; State Institutions Miscellaneous in their Character; State FinancesThe Monetary and Business Flurry of 1873 and Panic of 1893; Minor HappeningsThe War with SpainThe Indian Battle of Leech Lake; PopulationThe State Flag; The Official Flower of the State, and the Method of its SelectionOrigin of the Name "Gopher State"; State Parks: Itasca State Park and Interstate Park -- The Dalles of the Saint CroixPoliticsBibliography
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