This is the last volume of the 15-volume series The World’s Story, originally started by Eva March Tappan. This book, edited by Horatio W. Dresser (1866-1954) deals exclusively with the time of the First World War, the events leading up to it, the battles and war engines, the political and diplomatic background endeavours and the cost - human and monetary - of this War. - Summary by Sonia
The Cathedral at Rheims, photograph, frontispieceThe World War, Part I. The origin of the war. Historical noteThe outbreak of hostilities, by Major F. E. WhittonWhy did Germany invade Belgium ?, by S. S. McClureBelgium's part (1914), by Emile VerhaerenThe real causes of the war (1914), by Charles W. EliotGermany's military masters (1917), by Woodrow WilsonThe World War, Part II. The gathering of the armies. Historical noteThe training of Kitchener's Mob (1914), by James Norman HallThe first hundred thousand in training (1914), by Ian HayEn route with Kitchener's Mob (1915), by James Norman HallThe second German mobilization (1914), by Geoffrey PykeThe World War, Part III. On the Western Front 1914-1915. Historical noteThe retreat from Mons (1914), by a British Staff OfficerA gas attack, photograph p. 62The battle of the Marne (1914), by Major F. E. WhittonThe fall of Antwerp (1914), by Horace GreenA prisoner in Ruhleben (1915), by Geoffrey PykeThe battle of the Slag-Heaps (1915), by Ian HayFlame-throwers, photograph p. 100The legion captures a trench (1915), by Edward MorlaeThe World War, Part IV. On the Western and Italian Fronts 1916-1917. Historical noteThe battle of Verdun (1916), by Raoul BlanchardThe biggest cannon on the Western Front, photograph p. 134Caillette Wood, an episode of VerdunThe fight for Montauban, an incident of the battle of the Somme (1916), by Ian HayA modern battlefield, photograph p. 148The battle of Messines Ridge (1917)Charge of the Canadians at Vimy Ridge, photograph p. 162The battle of Cambrai (1917), by Philip GibbsThe Garibaldi take the Col di Lana, told in Colonel ''Peppino'' Garibaldi's own words (1916), by Lewis R. FreemanThe World War, Part V. The Eastern Front. Historical noteIntrenched with the Austrians in Galicia (1914), by Fritz KreislerThe Russian victory at Przemysl (1915), by Bernard ParesThe defeat at Gallipoli (1915), by Sir Ian HamiltonLanding under fire at the Dardanelles, photograph p. 204A British soldier at Suvla Bay (1915), by John HargraveBulgaria enters the war (1915), by J. B. W. GardinerFrom Salonica (1916), by Albert KinrossThe World War, Part VI. The War in Asia and Africa. Historical noteThe attack on Tsing-Tau (1914), by Jefferson JonesCampaigning under Botha (1915), by Cyril CampbellGeneral Smuts's campaign in German East Africa (1914-1915), by Cyril CampbellWith Maude at the taking of Bagdad (1917), by Arthur T. ClarkThe British in the Promised Land (1917), by W. T. Massey''Jerusalem delivered'', photograph p. 266The World War, Part VII. Life in the trenches. Historical noteThe arrival of Kitchener's Mob (1915), by James Norman HallThe new warfare (1915), by Ian HayA description of trench life, by René NicolasThe impregnable trenches (1916), by Henry SheahanThe World War, Part VIII. The fighting machines. Historical noteThe machines (1916), by William J. RobinsonGerman prisoners in Ypres, photograph p. 312The machine-gun destroyers (1916), by Louis-Octave PhilippeThe tanks (1917), by Colonel E. D. SwintonBritish tanks in action, photograph p. 332The World War, Part IX. The work of the Navies. Historical noteThe escape of a merchantsman (1914), by Edward NobleThe Heligoland action (1914), by W. Macneille DixonThe battle of Jutland (1916), by W. Macneille DixonThe Emden (1914), by Lewis R. FreemanThe World War, Part X. The submarines. Historical noteThe sinking of the Lusitania (1915), by Charles E. LauriatLife in a German submarine (1915), by Freiherrn von ForstnerThe work of the British submarines (1914-1917), by W. Macneille DixonThe World War, Part XI. Airplanes and zeppelins. Historical noteFlying in the war-zone, by ThetaA French fighting plane, photograph p. 402A zeppelin raid in London (1915), by Lewis R. FreemanA great air battle, by a British war correspondentThe World War, Part XII. The hospital and ambulance services. Historical noteBehind the Yser (1916), by Maud MortimerThe American ambulance field service (1916), by A. P. A.American ambulance-drivers, photograph p. 440With ambulance No. 10 (1915), by Leslie BuswellWith an ambulance at Verdun (1916), by William Yorke StevensonWonders of war surgery (1917)The World War, Part XIII. The Red Cross and the Y.M.C.A. Historical noteThe American Red CrossRed Cross rest barracks (1917), by Elizabeth FrazerThe Y.M.C.A. at the Front, by Francis B. Sayre, with an introduction by John R. Mott, General Secretary of the National War Work Council of the Y.M.C.A.A Y.M.C.A. Hut ''somewhere in France'', photograph p. 476The World War, Part XIV. Political and financial problems. Historical noteRussia in Revolution (1917), by Paul WhartonStreet scene in Petrograd during the Revolution, photograph p. 488The cost of the warThe human costThe World War, Part XV. The entrance of the United States. Historical noteThe war message (1917), by Woodrow WilsonWith the Americans at the Front (1917), by George PattulloThe President defines America's war aims (1918), by Woodrow Wilson
The World’s Story Volume XV: The World War - Horatio W. Dresser - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at