Audio Books Β» Travel & Geography Β» Π‘Ρ‚Ρ€Π°Π½ΠΈΡ†Π° 3

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Europe Revised - Irvin S. Cobb
Europe Revised - Irvin S. Cobb Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Europe Revised - Irvin S. Cobb Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Europe Revised - Irvin S. Cobb
  • Author: Irvin S. Cobb
  • Genre: Humorous Fiction / *Non-fiction / Travel & Geography
Irwin Cobb's humorous Europe Revised is a travelogue and comedy almost in the style of Mark Twain. The dedication says it best, "To My Small Daughter Who bade me shed a tear at the tomb of Napoleon, which I was very glad to do, because when I got...
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 05. May 1896 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 05. May 1896 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 05. May 1896 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 05. May 1896 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the May Number. It includes the following articles: Africa Since 1888, by Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard, LL. D. Fundamental Geographic Relation of the Three Americas, by Robert T. Hill The Kansas...
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 02. February 1897 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 02. February 1897 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 02. February 1897 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 02. February 1897 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the February Number. It includes the following articles: Crater Lake, Oregon, by J. S. Diller The Utilization of the Vacant Public Lands, by Emory F. Best The Mazamas, by J. S. Diller...
Loafing Along Death Valley Trails; A Personal Narrative Of People And Places - William Caruthers
Loafing Along Death Valley Trails; A Personal Narrative Of People And Places - William Caruthers Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Loafing Along Death Valley Trails; A Personal Narrative Of People And Places - William Caruthers Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Loafing Along Death Valley Trails; A Personal Narrative Of People And Places - William Caruthers
William Caruthers was a retired newspaperman who spent 25 years listening to stories told by the inhabitants of Death Valley. This 1951 book collects those stories; the printed version has many interesting pictures. ''Of the actors who made the...
Lift-Luck on Southern Roads - Tickner Edwardes
Lift-Luck on Southern Roads - Tickner Edwardes Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Lift-Luck on Southern Roads - Tickner Edwardes Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Lift-Luck on Southern Roads - Tickner Edwardes
Here for you is the tale of my latest solitary ramble. The journey covers, as you shall see, some two hundred odd miles, through five southern counties of England, and was conceived on an unusual plan. To keep clear of the main roads, and, with two...
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 09. September 1897 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 09. September 1897 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 09. September 1897 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 09. September 1897 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the September Number. It includes the following articles: Modification of the Great Lakes by Earth Movement, by G. K. Gilbert The Toronto Meeting of the British Association for the...
Beasts, Men and Gods - Ferdinand Ossendowski
Beasts, Men and Gods - Ferdinand Ossendowski Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Beasts, Men and Gods - Ferdinand Ossendowski Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Beasts, Men and Gods - Ferdinand Ossendowski
β€œBeasts, Men and Gods” is an account of an epic journey, filled with perils and narrow escapes, in the mold of β€œThe Lord of the Rings.” The difference is: it’s all true. Ferdinand Ossendowski was a Pole who found himself in Siberia and on the losing...
On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara - Samuel Gamble Bayne
On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara - Samuel Gamble Bayne Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara - Samuel Gamble Bayne Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara - Samuel Gamble Bayne
  • Author: Samuel Gamble Bayne
  • Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Travel & Geography / Memoirs
This book gives a brief glimpse into the social history of Ireland in the early part of the 20th Century. During his 1902 tour through the north, west and south of Ireland the author provides entertaining insights into how those parts of Ireland...
In Kent with Charles Dickens - Thomas Frost
In Kent with Charles Dickens - Thomas Frost Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
In Kent with Charles Dickens - Thomas Frost Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
In Kent with Charles Dickens - Thomas Frost
  • Author: Thomas Frost
  • Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Travel & Geography
By his own admission, Thomas Frost found it hard to make a living from his writing, and no doubt he used the name of Dickens in the title of this book to boost sales. Frost tells a good tale, and the book is not only of interest to enthusiasts of...
Going Abroad? Some Advice - Robert Luce
Going Abroad? Some Advice - Robert Luce Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Going Abroad? Some Advice - Robert Luce Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Going Abroad? Some Advice - Robert Luce
Going abroad for a holiday or business is always exciting, but we can only imagine how exciting it would have been in 1900 to board a steamer from the United States and take a tour through Europe. Luckily Robert Luce gives advice in this book about...
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 01. January 1896 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 01. January 1896 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 01. January 1896 - National Geographic Society Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 01. January 1896 - National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the January Number. It includes the Introductory by the editor, John Hyde, and the following articles: Russia in Europe, an annual address by Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard The Arctic Cruise of the...
Mark Twain's Travel Letters from 1891-92 - Mark Twain
Mark Twain's Travel Letters from 1891-92 - Mark Twain Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Mark Twain's Travel Letters from 1891-92 - Mark Twain Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Mark Twain's Travel Letters from 1891-92 - Mark Twain
  • Author: Mark Twain
  • Genre: Humor / Travel & Geography / Letters
This collection of Mark Twain travel letters was compiled by Barbara Schmidt for her website, According to his biographer, Albert Bigelow Paine, when Twain took his family to Europe in June of 1891, he left with the knowledge that...
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-madinah and Meccah - Richard Francis BURTON
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-madinah and Meccah - Richard Francis BURTON Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-madinah and Meccah - Richard Francis BURTON Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-madinah and Meccah - Richard Francis BURTON
Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821 – 1890) was an English explorer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, ethnologist, linguist, poet, hypnotist, fencer and diplomat. He was known for his travels and explorations within Asia and Africa as well as...
Old Times on the Mississippi - Mark Twain
Old Times on the Mississippi - Mark Twain Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Old Times on the Mississippi - Mark Twain Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Old Times on the Mississippi - Mark Twain
  • Author: Mark Twain
  • Genre: *Non-fiction / Travel & Geography
Old Times on the Mississippi is a non-fiction work by Mark Twain. It was published in 1876. Originally published in serial form in the Atlantic Monthly, in 1875, this same work was published as chapters 4 through 17 in Twain's later work, Life on...
My Travels, A Family Story - Maria HACKETT
My Travels, A Family Story - Maria HACKETT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
My Travels, A Family Story - Maria HACKETT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
My Travels, A Family Story - Maria HACKETT
This is not a family history. Family histories are invariably dull and of interest to only a few who have a belief in, and are proud of, their pedigree. It is the story of the mother of a family who led a very eventful life and traveled many...
The Pilgrimage Of Etheria - ETHERIA
The Pilgrimage Of Etheria - ETHERIA Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Pilgrimage Of Etheria - ETHERIA Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Pilgrimage Of Etheria - ETHERIA
  • Author: ETHERIA
  • Genre: History / Travel & Geography / Antiquity
This (probably) late fourth century common era (A.D.) narrative of a Christian pilgrimage is the earliest such text which survives to us. It is an important source of information about early Christian practices. This book has an extended...
British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car - Thomas Dowler MURPHY
British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car - Thomas Dowler MURPHY Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car - Thomas Dowler MURPHY Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car - Thomas Dowler MURPHY
In this chronicle of a summer's motoring in Britain I have not attempted a guide-book in any sense, yet the maps, together with the comments on highways, towns, and country, should be of some value even in that capacity. I hope, however, that the...
Travels in Alaska - John Muir
Travels in Alaska - John Muir Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Travels in Alaska - John Muir Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Travels in Alaska - John Muir
  • Author: John Muir
  • Genre: Travel & Geography / Memoirs
In 1879 John Muir went to Alaska for the first time. Its stupendous living glaciers aroused his unbounded interest, for they enabled him to verify his theories of glacial action. Again and again he returned to this continental laboratory of...
American Notes for General Circulation - Charles Dickens
American Notes for General Circulation - Charles Dickens Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
American Notes for General Circulation - Charles Dickens Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
American Notes for General Circulation - Charles Dickens
American Notes for General Circulation is a travelogue by Charles Dickens detailing his trip to North America from January to June, 1842. While there he acted as a critical observer of these societies almost as if returning a status report on their...
A Ride Across the Peloponnese - George MACMILLAN
A Ride Across the Peloponnese - George MACMILLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
A Ride Across the Peloponnese - George MACMILLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
A Ride Across the Peloponnese - George MACMILLAN
In the spring of 1877, a young Oscar Wilde visited Greece with his classics professor, J. P. Mahaffy, and two friends. One of these friends, George Macmillan, wrote a brief account of the party's ride across the Peloponnese. The account, without...