Audio Books » Авторы » Thomas Tapper

Author of Audiobooks - Thomas Tapper

Music Talks With Children - Thomas Tapper
Music Talks With Children - Thomas Tapper Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Music Talks With Children - Thomas Tapper Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Music Talks With Children - Thomas Tapper
"A book of this kind, though addressed to children, must necessarily reach them through an older person. The purpose is to suggest a few of the many aspects which music may have even to the mind of a child. If these chapters, or whatever may be...
Stories of Great Composers for Children - Thomas Tapper
Stories of Great Composers for Children - Thomas Tapper Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Stories of Great Composers for Children - Thomas Tapper Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Stories of Great Composers for Children - Thomas Tapper
This is a collection of ten short, entertaining, informative picture-book biographies of famous composers. Each book tells about the childhood and great achievements of a composer, and includes a short musical example. Here are links to the online...