Audio Books » Авторы » Sophocles

Author of Audiobooks - Sophocles

Trachiniai (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles
Trachiniai (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Trachiniai (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Trachiniai (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles
Women of Trachis (Ancient Greek: Τραχίνιαι, Trachiniai; also translated as The Trachiniae or The Trachinian Maidens) is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles. The story begins with Deianeira, the wife of Heracles, relating the story of her early life and...
Antigone - Sophocles
Antigone - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Antigone - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Antigone - Sophocles
This is the final installment in Sophocles's Theban Plays, following Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus. Oedipus's daughter Antigone deliberately breaks the laws of Thebes when she buries her brother's body and is sentenced to death. She clashes...
Philoctetes - Sophocles
Philoctetes - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Philoctetes - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Philoctetes - Sophocles
  • Author: Sophocles
  • Genre: Plays / Drama / Tragedy
Sophocles' play recounts an episode from the Trojan War, in which the wily Odysseus and Achilles' son Neoptolemus travel to a remote island to persuade Philoctetes to come with them to Troy. A prophet has foreseen that the Greeks will need...
Oedipus Rex (Murray Translation) - Sophocles
Oedipus Rex (Murray Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus Rex (Murray Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus Rex (Murray Translation) - Sophocles
"Oedipus Rex" (Ancient Greek: Οἰδίπους Τύραννος, Oidipous Tyrannos), also known as "Oedipus the King" or "Oedipus the Tyrant," is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was first performed about 429 BC (noted classicist Gilbert Murray, translator of...
Oedipus at Colonus (Jebb Translation) - Sophocles
Oedipus at Colonus (Jebb Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus at Colonus (Jebb Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus at Colonus (Jebb Translation) - Sophocles
"Oedipus at Colonus" (also Oedipus Coloneus, Ancient Greek: Οἰδίπους ἐπὶ Κολωνῷ, Oidipous epi Kolōnō) is one of the three Theban plays of the Athenian tragedian Sophocles. It was written shortly before Sophocles' death in 406 BC and produced by his...
Oedipus at Colonus (Storr Translation) - Sophocles
Oedipus at Colonus (Storr Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus at Colonus (Storr Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus at Colonus (Storr Translation) - Sophocles
  • Author: Sophocles
  • Genre: Plays / Drama / Tragedy
This is the second installment in Sophocles's Theban Plays that chronicles the tragic fates of Oedipus and his family. After fulfilling the prophecy that predicted he would kill his father and marry his mother, Oedipus blinds himself and leaves...
Philoctetes (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles
Philoctetes (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Philoctetes (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Philoctetes (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles
Philoctetes is a play by Sophocles (Aeschylus and Euripides also each wrote a Philoctetes but theirs have not survived). The play was written during the Peloponnesian War. It is one of the seven tragedies of Sophocles to have survived the ravages of...
Electra (Storr Translation) - Sophocles
Electra (Storr Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Electra (Storr Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Electra (Storr Translation) - Sophocles
Electra or Elektra is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles. Its date is not known, but various stylistic similarities with the Philoctetes (409 BC) and the Oedipus at Colonus (401 BC) lead scholars to suppose that it was written towards the end of...
Oedipus Rex (Storr Translation) - Sophocles
Oedipus Rex (Storr Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus Rex (Storr Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Oedipus Rex (Storr Translation) - Sophocles
  • Author: Sophocles
  • Genre: Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales / General Fiction / Plays
Oedipus the King (often known by the Latin title Oedipus Rex) is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was first performed c. 429 BC. It was the second of Sophocles's three Theban plays to be produced, but it comes first in the internal chronology,...
Ajax (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles
Ajax (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Ajax (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Ajax (Campbell Translation) - Sophocles
Ajax is a Greek tragedy written in the 5th century BC. The date of Ajax's first performance is unknown and may never be found, but most scholars regard it as an early work, c. 450 - 430 BC. It chronicles the fate of the warrior Ajax after the events...
Antigone (Plumptre Translation) - Sophocles
Antigone (Plumptre Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Antigone (Plumptre Translation) - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Antigone (Plumptre Translation) - Sophocles
A powerful artistic protest against tyranny, "Antigone" has been translated and adapted dozens of times, applied over and over through the centuries to current forms of the oppression so common to human experience. Antigone's heroic resistance to...
Electra - Sophocles
Electra - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Electra - Sophocles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Electra - Sophocles
  • Author: Sophocles
  • Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Tragedy
Sophocles' play dramatizes the aftermath of Agamemnon's murder by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus. His daughter Electra is hungry for revenge and longs for the return of her brother Orestes to help her achieve her ends. (Summary by...