Audio Books » Авторы » Sarah Grand

Author of Audiobooks - Sarah Grand

Ideala - Sarah Grand
Ideala - Sarah Grand Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Ideala - Sarah Grand Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Ideala - Sarah Grand
She came among us without flourish of trumpets. She just slipped into her place, almost unnoticed, but once she was settled there it seemed as if we had got something we had wanted all our lives, and we should have missed her as you would miss the...
The Heavenly Twins - Sarah Grand
The Heavenly Twins - Sarah Grand Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Heavenly Twins - Sarah Grand Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Heavenly Twins - Sarah Grand
  • Author: Sarah Grand
  • Genre: Family Life / Sagas / Published 1800 -1900
First published in 1893, this novel came to question many subjects which were considered taboo. Through a few interconnected plots and sub plots, the story examines the role of women and the different opportunities women and men had. Through the...