Audio Books » Авторы » Samuel Smiles

Author of Audiobooks - Samuel Smiles

Happy Homes and the Hearts that Make Them: Or Thrifty People and why They Thrive - Samuel Smiles
Happy Homes and the Hearts that Make Them: Or Thrifty People and why They Thrive - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Happy Homes and the Hearts that Make Them: Or Thrifty People and why They Thrive - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Happy Homes and the Hearts that Make Them: Or Thrifty People and why They Thrive - Samuel Smiles
Samuel Smiles was a Scottish author and government reformer, but he concluded that more progress would come from new attitudes than from new laws. He wrote popular articles and books on his theories; ways people could help themselves overcome their...
George and Robert Stephenson - Samuel Smiles
George and Robert Stephenson - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
George and Robert Stephenson - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
George and Robert Stephenson - Samuel Smiles
  • Author: Samuel Smiles
  • Genre: *Non-fiction / Biography & Autobiography
George Stephenson did not invent the steam engine, that was due to Newcomen and later to James Watt. He did not invent the steam locomotive, that was due to a number of people including Cugnot, Trevithick and others. He did not invent the Railway....
Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers - Samuel Smiles
Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers - Samuel Smiles
Short Biographies of some of the most influential engineers who developed the modern manufacturing methods behind the Industrial Revolution. Engineers and designers tend to be fairly anonymous figures in history – content to make things rather than...
Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance - Samuel Smiles
Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance - Samuel Smiles
Self-Help is the book that gave its name to the whole genre of literature known by that name. It is full of profiles of individuals who, through hard work, perseverance, and taking advantage of every opportunity that came their way, succeeded. At...
Character - Samuel Smiles
Character - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Character - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Character - Samuel Smiles
Samuel Smiles is known even today as an author that promoted the improvement of society through the improvement of individuals and their character. This book describes some of the traits that make up truly great men and women, peppering it with...
Thrift - Samuel Smiles
Thrift - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Thrift - Samuel Smiles Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Thrift - Samuel Smiles
"This book is intended as a sequel to Self-Help and Character. It might, indeed, have appeared as an introduction to these volumes; for Thrift is the basis of Self-Help, and the foundation of much that is excellent in Character. The object of this...