Audio Books » Авторы » Ruth Plumly Thompson

Author of Audiobooks - Ruth Plumly Thompson

The Cowardly Lion of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Cowardly Lion of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Cowardly Lion of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Cowardly Lion of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Mustafa of Mudge has heard of the famous Cowardly Lion of Oz, and decides to capture him and put him into a zoo! He enlists the help of Bob Up and a clown called Notta Bit More - the master of disguise! The Cowardly Lion meanwhile travels though Oz...
The Wishing Horse of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Wishing Horse of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Wishing Horse of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Wishing Horse of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Magic wishing emeralds mysteriously arrive in the little kingdom of Skampavia. King Skamperoo immediately confiscates them and wishes to become the Emperor of Oz, with his magic horse Chalk as his advisor. All the residents of Oz are enchanted to...
The Royal Book of Oz (version 3) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Royal Book of Oz (version 3) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Royal Book of Oz (version 3) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Royal Book of Oz (version 3) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
"Of course, we all knew the Scarecrow was a very fine fellow, but surely we never guessed he ascended from an emperor. Most of us descend from our ancestors, but the Scarecrow really ASCENDED.The Scarecrow had a most exciting and adventurous time on...
Captain Salt in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Captain Salt in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Captain Salt in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Captain Salt in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
A voyage on the famous Nonestic Ocean! What could be more thrilling than that? We—many of us—have taken trips on the prosaic Atlantic or even Pacific, but have we found a SEA FOREST with flying fish and swimming birds? Have we been pursued by a real...
The Cowardly Lion of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Cowardly Lion of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Cowardly Lion of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Cowardly Lion of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Cowardly Lion, always fearful, has become even more afraid than usual and is convinced that he has lost the courage the Wizard of OZ gave him man years ago. To remedy this he decides to follow the dubious advice from the Scrapwork Girl, to 'find...
The Silver Princess in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Silver Princess in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Silver Princess in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Silver Princess in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Young King Randy of Regalia is visited by his old friend, Kabumpo, the Elegant Elephant of Pumperdink. Together, they set out to visit their friend Jinnicky the Red Jinn in the Land of Ev. On the way, they meet Planetty, the silver Princess from...
The Royal Book of Oz (version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Royal Book of Oz (version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Royal Book of Oz (version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Royal Book of Oz (version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
When the professor decides to outline the ancestry of the eminent people of Oz, Scarecrow feels left out. He doesn't have a family tree - unless you count the bean pole on which he had been placed when the farmer put him in the cornfield! So he...
Handy Mandy in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Handy Mandy in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Handy Mandy in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Handy Mandy in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
On many a day had Handy, the Goat Girl of Mern, pursued her goats up and down the rocky eminences of her native mountain. And never—NEVER—in her fourteen or so years' experience had she been blown up by a mountain spring. But there comes, in every...
The Royal Book of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Royal Book of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Royal Book of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Royal Book of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
  • Author: Ruth Plumly Thompson
  • Genre: Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales / Fantastic Fiction / General Fiction
The Royal Book of Oz (1921) is the fifteenth in the series of Oz books, and the first to be written by Ruth Plumly Thompson after L. Frank Baum's death. Although Baum was credited as the author, it was written entirely by Thompson. The Scarecrow is...
Kabumpo in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Kabumpo in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Kabumpo in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Kabumpo in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
An elephant in Oz? You bet! The tiny kingdom of Pumperdink has what no neighboring kingdom has: an Elegant Elephant in court, and his name is Kabumpo. He is very proud of his kingdom, his elegance and tends to be just the smallest bit pompous. On...
Kabumpo in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Kabumpo in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Kabumpo in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Kabumpo in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Dear children: Do you like Elephants? Do you believe in Giants? And do you love all the jolly people of the Wonderful Land of Oz? Well then you'll want to hear about the latest happenings in that delightful Kingdom. All are set forth in true Oz...
The Lost King of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Lost King of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Lost King of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Lost King of Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
"Princess Ozma has ruled so wisely and happily in the wonderful Land of Oz for so long that most of us have forgotten the strange story of the Lost King of Oz—Ozma's father. As everyone in Oz knows, the King was transformed from his royal self by...
Captain Salt in Oz (Version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Captain Salt in Oz (Version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Captain Salt in Oz (Version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Captain Salt in Oz (Version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
A voyage on the famous Nonestic Ocean! What could be more thrilling than that? We—many of us—have taken trips on the prosaic Atlantic or even Pacific, but have we found a SEA FOREST with flying fish and swimming birds? Have we been pursued by a real...
Grampa In Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Grampa In Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Grampa In Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Grampa In Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Another great book in the world of Oz, in which King Fumbo of Ragbad loses his head in a storm and Prince Tatters, accompanied by the wise and wonderful old soldier Grampa, sets off to find the king's head, a fortune, and a princess. With Bill, a...
The Silver Princess in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Silver Princess in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Silver Princess in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Silver Princess in Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Another Oz book! Yes! Lots of unlikely characters and tons of fun. In this story, young King Randy of Regalia is visited by his old friend, Kabumpo, the Elegant Elephant of Pumperdink. Together, they set out to visit their friend Jinnicky the Red...
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (version 2) - Ruth Plumly Thompson
The wonderful but quirky Wizard of Oz has invented a plane to go strato-sphering. Zooming among the clouds and shooting stars above OZ certainly produces a host of strange adventures. This last book about OZ by Ruth Thompson includes many well known...