Author of Audiobooks - Rupert S. HOLLAND
Historic Boyhoods - Rupert S. HOLLAND

Historic Boyhoods - Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Author: Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Genre: General
Most boys grow up to be honest, maybe even good, men, but do not stand out from the crowd. Occasionally, along comes a boy who is destined, either by character or circumstance, to make his mark on the world. In this work are included 21 biographical...
Historic Adventures: Tales from American History - Rupert S. HOLLAND

Historic Adventures: Tales from American History - Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Author: Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Genre: General
This is a collection of early American stories, interesting read. (Summary by sidhu177)...
Historic Girlhoods Volume 1 - Rupert S. HOLLAND

Historic Girlhoods Volume 1 - Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Author: Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Genre: General
Biographical sketches of ten girls who became famous before becoming women - some not even making it to womanhood. From Joan of Arc to Catherine d'Medici; from Catherine the Great to Pocohontas. These inspirational stories will be of interest to...
Builders of United Italy - Rupert S. HOLLAND

Builders of United Italy - Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Author: Rupert S. HOLLAND
- Genre: *Non-fiction / War & Military / Biography & Autobiography
Holland 's provides us with an engaging history of the Unification ("Risorgimento") of Italy by exploring the lives of some of its most important figures: Alfieri, Manzoni, Gioberti, Manin, Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi, and Victor Emmanuel. - Summary...