Author of Audiobooks - Romain ROLLAND
Pierre and Luce - Romain ROLLAND

Pierre and Luce - Romain ROLLAND
- Author: Romain ROLLAND
- Genre: General Fiction / Romance / War & Military Fiction
Pierre and Luce were an unlikely young pair who found themselves in the chaos of Paris during the war; Pierre, the shy, recently conscripted pacifist, and Luce, the free spirited artist in training, and both confused about the things going on around...
Jean-Christophe, Volume I - Romain ROLLAND

Jean-Christophe, Volume I - Romain ROLLAND
- Author: Romain ROLLAND
- Genre: Fictional Biographies & Memoirs
The central character, Jean-Christophe Krafft, is a German musician of Belgian extraction, a composer of genius whose life is depicted from cradle to grave. He undergoes great hardships and spiritual struggles, balancing his pride in his own talents...