Audio Books » Авторы » Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN

Author of Audiobooks - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN

Miss Frances Baird, detective - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN
Miss Frances Baird, detective - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Miss Frances Baird, detective - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Miss Frances Baird, detective - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN
Frances Baird is a detective with the Watkins Agency of New York City. She and a colleague are sent undercover to "The Maples" to guard a valuable set of diamonds during the festivities leading up to the marriage of Mr. Deneen's eldest son, James...
Money to Burn, An Adventure Story - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN
Money to Burn, An Adventure Story - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Money to Burn, An Adventure Story - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Money to Burn, An Adventure Story - Reginald Wright KAUFFMAN
From the dedication: "On a train by day, or abed by night, you will read "Money to Burn" and immediately forget it--which is as it should be, for then you can profitably reread it a year hence--but I'm certain it will entertain you while you are...