Audio Books » Авторы » Philip Jose FARMER

Author of Audiobooks - Philip Jose FARMER

Rastignac The Devil - Philip Jose FARMER
Rastignac The Devil - Philip Jose FARMER Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Rastignac The Devil - Philip Jose FARMER Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Rastignac The Devil - Philip Jose FARMER
French colonists on a planet ruled by reptiles and amphibians are forced to wear living “skins” that subdue aggression and enforce vegetarianism. As children, Rastignac and his reptile friend Mapfarity force themselves to become carnivores and begin...
The Green Odyssey - Philip Jose FARMER
The Green Odyssey - Philip Jose FARMER Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Green Odyssey - Philip Jose FARMER Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Green Odyssey - Philip Jose FARMER
Alan Green is a space traveler stranded on a barbaric planet who has been taken slave and made a consort to an insipid and smelly queen. His slave-wife, though beautiful and smart, nags him constantly. He’s given up hope of ever returning to Earth...