Audio Books » Авторы » Philip Francis NOWLAN

Author of Audiobooks - Philip Francis NOWLAN

The Airlords of Han - Philip Francis NOWLAN
The Airlords of Han - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Airlords of Han - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Airlords of Han - Philip Francis NOWLAN
Airlords of Han is the 2nd Buck Rogers story, the sequel to Armageddon 2419 A.D.. Anthony Rogers takes the fight to free 25th Century America to the Han overlords. From the March, 1929 issue of Amazing Stories. (Summary by Alan Winterrowd)...
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 2) - Philip Francis NOWLAN
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 2) - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 2) - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 2) - Philip Francis NOWLAN
Armageddon—2419 A.D. is the first appearance of the character that would become Buck Rogers. First published in the August 1928 issue of Amazing Stories, followed by a sequel in March 1929. These two novellas would spawn a comic strip that would run...
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. - Philip Francis NOWLAN
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. - Philip Francis NOWLAN
Elsewhere I have set down, for whatever interest they have in this, the 25th Century, my personal recollections of the 20th Century. Now it occurs to me that my memoirs of the 25th Century may have an equal interest 500 years from now—particularly...
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 3) - Philip Francis NOWLAN
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 3) - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 3) - Philip Francis NOWLAN Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Armageddon- 2419 A.D. (Version 3) - Philip Francis NOWLAN
This is the original ‘Buck Rogers’ SF classic. Thrill to the adventures of Anthony "Buck" Rogers, one of the most celebrated characters in the history of science fiction. Famed in comic strips, television, in movies, and even radio, this is the...