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Author of Audiobooks - Pansy

A Sevenfold Trouble - Pansy
A Sevenfold Trouble - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
A Sevenfold Trouble - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
A Sevenfold Trouble - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction
This story is an honest record of what we, who are all writers, and all very intimate friends, have seen and heard as we looked on at the lives of certain people in whom we are deeply interested. We used to talk about these people when we sat...
Pauline - Pansy
Pauline - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Pauline - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Pauline - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction
Due to a clerical error, successful attorney Charles Gordon Curtiss arrives a day late to give a lecture in a nearby town. But the literary society's loss is Curtiss' gain; he meets the charming Constance Stuart and falls in love. A year later, they...
Stephen Mitchell's Journey - Pansy
Stephen Mitchell's Journey - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Stephen Mitchell's Journey - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Stephen Mitchell's Journey - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction
Stephen Mitchell is a young man without a place in the world. He hates farming, although he works endless hours on the poor family farm. He isn't qualified for many jobs in town since he's had very little formal schooling. And he is a loner because...
David Ransom's Watch - Pansy
David Ransom's Watch - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
David Ransom's Watch - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
David Ransom's Watch - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction
A tale of human choices and lost opportunities, and how one's choices affect so many other lives, for good or ill. A borrowed watch. A selfish younger brother. An engagement and flirtation. A trip to the city to replace the watch turns David...
Helen Lester - Pansy
Helen Lester - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Helen Lester - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Helen Lester - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Religion
Twelve year old Helen is determined to be a good girl, but the harder she tries, the worse her days go. Is there any hope? And what made such a change in the life of her grown-up brother in the seven years he was away from home? Little do the...
Grandpa's Darlings - Pansy
Grandpa's Darlings - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Grandpa's Darlings - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Grandpa's Darlings - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction / Christianity - Other
Fiction, or fact? The narrator asserts it's fact. The narrator is an author, whom her little nieces call "Auntie Belle". There's also an "Auntie Dule" (proper name Julia), Grandpa and Grandma, Mama and Papa, and eventually an Uncle Ross (Isabella...
Three People - Pansy
Three People - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Three People - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Three People - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction
Three boys in very different home environments start life on the same day: the pampered Pliny Hastings, the solidly brought-up Benny Phillips, and the uneducated street scamp Theodore “Tode” Mall. Their lives intertwine around the issue of "rum" and...
Cunning Workmen - Pansy
Cunning Workmen - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Cunning Workmen - Pansy Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Cunning Workmen - Pansy
  • Author: Pansy
  • Genre: Christian Fiction
Miss Cora Parkhurst is an irresponsible and flighty Sunday school teacher for a group of young ladies. She has simply no time to prepare the lessons, nor any knowledge of what it means to be a sincere Christian. Mr. Robert Hammond is an earnest,...