Audio Books » Авторы » May Gillington Byron

Author of Audiobooks - May Gillington Byron

A Day With Great Poets - May Gillington Byron
A Day With Great Poets - May Gillington Byron Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
A Day With Great Poets - May Gillington Byron Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
A Day With Great Poets - May Gillington Byron
Who was John Milton? The author of Paradise Lost you say? Well, certainly, but he was also a man, going about his daily life like any of us in 17th century England, (except that he was a genius of course). Take time to read about a day in his life...
Days with the Great Composers - May Gillington Byron
Days with the Great Composers - May Gillington Byron Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Days with the Great Composers - May Gillington Byron Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Days with the Great Composers - May Gillington Byron
An imagined day in the life of each composer gives the anonymous author scope to describe each one's work and life, sketchily, of course, but interestingly. (Summary by David Wales) Note: This is a compilation of three books, each describing three...