Author of Audiobooks - Marcus Tullius Cicero
On the Ends of Good and Evil - Marcus Tullius Cicero

On the Ends of Good and Evil - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Ancient
On the Ends of Good and Evil (Latin: DE FINIBUS BONORUM ET MALORUM) discusses Skeptic, Epicurean, Stoic, Peripatetic and Academic views on the good life. Written by Marcus Tullius Cicero. Translated by Harris Rackham. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards)...
Treatises On Friendship And Old Age - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Treatises On Friendship And Old Age - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Essays & Short Works
Friendship. Old Age. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC) was a Roman statesman, orator, lawyer, and philosopher. He is considered one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists. One commentator has written, “The influence of Cicero upon the...
Speeches Against Catilina - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Speeches Against Catilina - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Antiquity
This volume contains the four speeches delivered by Cicero in 63 BC, when he was a consul, against the conspiracy headed by L. Sergius Catilina. Catilina was scheming to bring about a general uprising in the country if he could not rise to a...
The Philippics - Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Philippics - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Political Science / Antiquity / Short non-fiction
A philippic is a fiery, damning speech delivered to condemn a particular political actor. The term originates with Demosthenes, who delivered an attack on Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BCE.Cicero consciously modeled his own attacks on Mark...
On the Laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero

On the Laws - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / *Non-fiction / Philosophy
On the Laws (Latin: De Legibus) was written shortly after Cicero's "On the Commonwealth" during the last years of the Roman Republic. The three surviving books (out of an original six), in order, expound on Cicero's beliefs in Natural Law, recast...
Tusculan Disputations - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Tusculan Disputations - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Philosophy / Ancient
Tusculan Disputations (Latin: TUSCULANARUM DISPUTATIONUM) is divided into five books which discuss death, pain, grief, perturbations and virtue. At issue is whether wise people can always be happy regardless of the apparent evil that fortune throws...
On Duties - Marcus Tullius Cicero

On Duties - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Ancient
On Duties (Latin: DE OFFICIIS) discusses virtue, expediency and apparent conflicts between the two. St. Ambrose, St. Jerome and other Doctors of the Roman Catholic Church considered it to be legitimate for study. It was the second book after the...
On the Nature of the Gods - Marcus Tullius Cicero

On the Nature of the Gods - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity)
De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) outlines Stoic, Epicurean and Academic (Skeptical) views on religious questions. Problems discussed include: evil, the origin of the world, divination, and characteristics of God(s). (Summary by Geoffrey...