Audio Books » Авторы » John Cowper POWYS

Author of Audiobooks - John Cowper POWYS

Visions and Revisions - John Cowper POWYS
Visions and Revisions - John Cowper POWYS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Visions and Revisions - John Cowper POWYS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Visions and Revisions - John Cowper POWYS
Powys presents a set of literary devotions of great figures in Literature who have obsessed him. He attempts not so much a reasoned critique or any attempt to categorise these figures but rather, as he describes in the Preface: "to give [himself]...
Confessions of Two Brothers - John Cowper POWYS
Confessions of Two Brothers - John Cowper POWYS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Confessions of Two Brothers - John Cowper POWYS Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Confessions of Two Brothers - John Cowper POWYS
A short self portrait of Powys’ beliefs, temperament and peculiarities which prefigures his later, greater Autobiography. (Summary by Keri Ford)...